CO 2 Capture and Transport Energy Technology Centre Cranfield University Adina Bosoaga
Royal Academy of Engineering, 28th February 2008 Minimize energy requirements for CO 2 captureMinimize energy requirements for CO 2 capture Improve the efficiency of energy conversion processesImprove the efficiency of energy conversion processes Reduce costs & consumption of primary energy sourcesReduce costs & consumption of primary energy sources Develop advanced, innovative concepts forDevelop advanced, innovative concepts for next-generation technology implementation Why research is needed ?
Universities to look at alternative perspectivesUniversities to look at alternative perspectives Equipment developmentEquipment development Provide theoretical understandingProvide theoretical understanding Royal Academy of Engineering, 28th February 2008 What industry wants? Feedback from breakout groups at UKCCSC Theme A Stakeholder Meeting
Royal Academy of Engineering, 28th February 2008 Research and development is a long-term commitment Research and development is a long-term commitment Bringing an idea from project to commercialization takes years Bringing an idea from project to commercialization takes years Roadmap to commercialization Source: Doosan Babcock + UKCCSC Stakeholder Meeting feedback
Near to market (within 10 years) Pre- combustion from IGCC Oxy combustion Amine scrubbing Chilled ammonia Medium term (10-20 years) Chemical looping Calcium looping cycle Royal Academy of Engineering, 28th February 2008 Future technologies (20 years +) ZECA process New technologies CO 2 capture technologies
Royal Academy of Engineering, 28th February 2008 CO2 post-combustion capture at a plant in Malaysia. (Courtesy of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries). Key needs - Underpinning science (UKCCSC Stakeholder Meeting outcomes)
Process integration Refractory (gasifier) Instrumentation ASU Slag chemistry WGS catalyst developm. H2 combustion Hot gas clean up Royal Academy of Engineering, 28th February 2008 CO2 pre-combustion capture at a coal gasification plant in North Dakota, USA Key needs - Underpinning science (UKCCSC Stakeholder Meeting outcomes)
Royal Academy of Engineering, 28th February MWe CES water cycle plant at Kimberlina, California Key needs - Underpinning science (UKCCSC Stakeholder Meeting outcomes)
Royal Academy of Engineering, 28th February 2008 CO 2 Transport CO 2 Transport (UKCCSC Stakeholder Meeting outcomes) CO2 Transport TransportSystem Safe Leakfree Cost effective effective Monitorable Infrastructure Development Development CO2 quality FlexibilityShipTransport?InjectionExistingInfrastructureCO2compression
To enhance the knowledge, awareness, competency and global competitiveness of the UKTo enhance the knowledge, awareness, competency and global competitiveness of the UK To strength collaborative partnerships through strategic alliances with equipment suppliers, power utilitiesTo strength collaborative partnerships through strategic alliances with equipment suppliers, power utilities R&D – aligned with industry needs - focus our skills on solving technology barriers to implementation of CO 2 capture and transportR&D – aligned with industry needs - focus our skills on solving technology barriers to implementation of CO 2 capture and transport Strong cooperation will be required in order to optimize resources, avoid duplication and maximize synergiesStrong cooperation will be required in order to optimize resources, avoid duplication and maximize synergies Royal Academy of Engineering, 28th February 2008 Our mission Solutions Can Be Found Only Through Our Combined Efforts & Common Research Programmes Solutions Can Be Found Only Through Our Combined Efforts & Common Research Programmes
Royal Academy of Engineering, 28th February 2008 Thank you!