Metal–organic frameworks of the MIL-101 family as heterogeneous single-site catalysts by Nataliya V. Maksimchuk, Olga V. Zalomaeva, Igor Y. Skobelev, Konstantin A. Kovalenko, Vladimir P. Fedin, and Oxana A. Kholdeeva Proceedings A Volume 468(2143): July 8, 2012 ©2012 by The Royal Society
Schematic of MIL-101 structure. Nataliya V. Maksimchuk et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2012;468: ©2012 by The Royal Society
Formation of coordinatively unsaturated chromium sites in the Cr3O-carboxylate cluster of the MIL-101 structure. Nataliya V. Maksimchuk et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2012;468: ©2012 by The Royal Society
Effect of Cr-MIL-101 activation on its catalytic properties in cyclohexene oxidation with TBHP. Reaction conditions: 0.1 M cyclohexene, 0.17 M TBHP, 2.5 mg Cr-MIL-101, 1 ml benzene, 50°C, 10 h. Nataliya V. Maksimchuk et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2012;468: ©2012 by The Royal Society
(a) Hot catalyst filtration test and (b) catalyst reuse for Cr-MIL-101-catalysed oxidation of cyclohexene with TBHP. Reaction conditions as in figure 3. Nataliya V. Maksimchuk et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2012;468: ©2012 by The Royal Society
XRD patterns for Cr-MIL-101: (a) initial, (b) after treatment with 0.5 M TBHP in MeCN at 80°C for 10 h, and (c) after cyclohexene oxidation with TBHP. Nataliya V. Maksimchuk et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2012;468: ©2012 by The Royal Society
FT-IR spectra of Fe-MIL-101: (a) initial, (b) after four runs of solvent-free cyclohexene oxidation with O2 and (c) after five runs of solvent-free cyclohexane oxidation with TBHP. Nataliya V. Maksimchuk et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2012;468: ©2012 by The Royal Society
Effect of cyclohexane/TBHP molar ratio on the selectivity of cyclohexane oxidation and TBHP efficiency in the presence Cr-MIL-101 (70°C, 8 h). Nataliya V. Maksimchuk et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2012;468: ©2012 by The Royal Society
Hot catalyst filtration test for the coupling reaction of styrene oxide and CO2 over Fe-MIL-101. Nataliya V. Maksimchuk et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2012;468: ©2012 by The Royal Society