QROAD to learning… Its about taking control of your learning. Become an independent learner! Follow the following steps to get more out of your lessons!
Q -Questions Ask questions which address how to learn effectively (and why!) not just what. Do you look at your to questions for learning in your planners? Are you asking intelligent questions and can you appreciate that some questions are better than others? Can you ask more questions? Are your parents aware of what are the best questions to help you with your learning?
R-Reflect Do you give yourself time to reflect on your learning, both in the short term and the long term? Do you review your progress and set SMART targets? Can you discuss your progress with others, whether it be peers, parents or teachers? Are you using the right strategies to meet the right targets? Do you have a place in lessons and at home where reflection can take place?
O-Objectives Can you say what the learning objectives of the lesson are. These should be student-centred, e.g. I can explain…. Objectives may be clearly displayed in lesson and referred to at the start, during and at the end of the lesson. The lesson objectives should be relevant and challenging. Objectives should, where possible address values as well as knowledge, skills and understanding. Have you got any termly or year-long objectives? What are your objectives? (short, medium, long term this year)
A-Assess SPaT (Self, Peer and Teacher) Do you get regular opportunities to self-assess, using mark schemes and assessment criteria. Do you use easily accessible graded exemplar material. Peer marking can be used using the same ideas. Why not get some coaching on how to give constructive advice. Every term you will take part in a standardised extended activity or assessment. Do both you and your parents understand what your grades mean?
D-Dialogue Do you get the chance to talk about learning, whether student-teacher, student-student, or student-parent? Does everyone you talk to share a common, understood language for learning? Is the dialogue forward looking, constructive and empowering, so that you are becoming an independent not dependent learner?