East Side Access Outreach East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 East Side Access Outreach April 2007 MTA/LIRR East Side Access
East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 Doing Business with MTACC MTA/LIRR East Side Access
East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 MTACC is a Cooperative Owner / Project Partner MTA/LIRR East Side Access
East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 MTACC is Committed to: Pro-active Project Management Continual Improvement & Use of Best Practices Sensitivity to Construction Industry Concerns Overcoming Obstacles in a timely manner MTA/LIRR East Side Access
How MTACC Meets the Challenge: East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 How MTACC Meets the Challenge: Careful analysis of what’s going on in the industry Solid, accountable Program Management Reaching out and talking to contractors to address their issues – JUST LIKE TODAY! MTA/LIRR East Side Access
Focus on Project Management East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 Focus on Project Management Foster timely decision-making at all levels Increase staff training Conduct Constructability Reviews Building-in quality and safety programs Partnering Monitor budget and schedule Deal with utilities early and often MTA/LIRR East Side Access
Making Changes – Procurement Improvements East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 Making Changes – Procurement Improvements Flexibility in contract strategies and terms Introduce the use of early completion incentives Considering bi-monthly payments on special projects Use of escalation provisions if needed MTA/LIRR East Side Access
East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 Contract Issues Negotiation of ADR Provisions Timely Change Order Process Monitoring to Make Further Improvements Timely Progress Payment Processing Handling of Geotechnical Information Use of Geotechnical Interpretive Reports MTA/LIRR East Side Access
East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 Bottom Line We respect our consultants and contractors, and recognize the need to work as partners. Let’s continue to dialogue to further improve our business practices to meet all of our needs. We only succeed if we all succeed! MTA/LIRR East Side Access
Procurement Strategy - Negotiated Procurement Hybrid used at MTACC which combines the advantages of a fully designed project with the flexibility of a negotiated procurement RFP issued based on 100% design Negotiations permit owner and proposer to address specific project risks Translates into overall better project definition and cost savings
MTA Regional Commuter Rail System
Queens Construction
Scope Summary Schedule CQ031 Overview Four soft-ground bored tunnels, connecting Plaza Interlocking with the LIRR Mainline and the Mid-Day Storage Yard Three ventilation shafts Approach structures and retaining walls Schedule Contract Advertised 4th Quarter of 2007 Construction Starts 1st Quarter of 2008
Harold Interlocking and Sunnyside Yard Existing 63rd St Tunnel CQ028 Shaft Future LIRR Mid-Day Yard Harold Mainline Tracks Sunnyside Yard Yard Lead Tunnel Revenue Tunnels (A. B/C, D) Loop Tracks to Storage Yards
Elements of CQ031 Track B/C Track A TBM Launch Wall Cut & Cover (CQ028) 39th St TBM Honeywell St Sunnyside Yard Mid-Day Storage Yard Track D LIRR Lead Westbound Bypass
Major Construction Elements – CQ031 (1 of 2) Bored Tunnels (10,500 ft) 19’-6” ID, segmental liner Four Tunnels (A, B/C, D and Yard Lead) Ground Treatment for TBM launch, mixed face, cross passages Instrumentation Tunnel Trackwork and Tunnel Bench Ventilation & Emergency Exit Shafts + 2 fan power substations Three Tunnel Emergency Exit (A, B/C, Yard Lead) & Sewer Relocation Track D emergency Exit Yard Lead Emergency Exit Retaining Walls Westbound Bypass Retaining Wall Penn Lead Track Retaining Wall & C08 Substation Foundation
Major Construction Elements – CQ031 (2 of 2) Cut and Cover Approach Structures Yard Lead Approach Structure, S&I Access Road Relocation Closure of TBM reception pits A and D Demolition 43rd Street Private Properties Remaining elements of Amtrak Substation 1A Sunnyside Connector Track and Transformers at Honeywell St. Bridge Underpinning Honeywell Street Bridge Piers 4, 5 and 6 39th Street Bridge Pier 1S General Motors Access Bridge South Pier Existing 43rd Street Bridge Piers 1 through 4 and Sewer Relocation Harold Signal Tower
Bored Tunnels
Bored Tunnels
Bored Tunnels
Bored Tunnels
Bored Tunnels
Bored Tunnels
Bored Tunnels Two EPB or Slurry TBMs
Bored Tunnels - Pre-Cast Segmental Liners
Bored Tunnels - Section Through Launch Shaft: Rock/Soil Interface B/C D Yard Lead
Bored Tunnels - Ground Treatment Launch Shaft B/C Yard Lead
Bored Tunnels - Length of Tunneling Section Length Tunnel Track A Glacial Till 2,180 ft Track B/C 1,739 ft Track D Rock and Mixed Face 60 ft 2,158 ft 2,218 ft Yard Lead 515 ft 4,384 ft 3,869 ft 10,523 ft
Bored Tunnels - Instrumentation & Predicted Settlement Contours
Bored Tunnels - Settlement Monitoring and Limits East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 Bored Tunnels - Settlement Monitoring and Limits MTA/LIRR East Side Access
Manual and Automated Total Station Rail Monitoring Reflector
Tunnel Trackwork and Tunnel Bench - Trackwork Installation
Tunnel Trackwork – Booted Block System
Ventilation and Emergency Exit Shafts - Three Tunnels
Ventilation and Emergency Exit Shafts - Track D
Ventilation and Emergency Exit Shafts Track D Emergency Exit at Honeywell St. (Similar to Yard Lead Emergency Exit at 39th St.) Air Plenum Upper SA Room Steel Frame Fan Room Lower SA Room CL Lp1B CL Lp1A RC Wall CL Tr D Modular Retaining Wall Jet Grout Invert Plug
Ventilation and Emergency Exit Shafts Yard Lead Emergency Exit & Substation at 39th Street
Ventilation and Emergency Exit Shafts Yard Lead Emergency Exit and Substation at 39th Street Harold Access Bridge Emergency Exit Skillman Avenue 39th Street Bridge Substation
Retaining Walls - Westbound Bypass and PL Track Westbound Bypass Approach Structure (Rendering) Modular Retaining Wall Section for PL Track
Cut and Cover Approach - TBM Reception Pits - By Others Track A TBM Reception Pit (CH053) Track A Approach Structure (CH053) Track B/C Approach Structure (CH059) Track B/C TBM Eastern Limit Track D Approach Structure (CH054) Track D TBM Reception Pit (CH054) Harold Access Bridge (CH053)
CH054 – 48th St Main Line Bridge (Reloc. ML4 and Temp. ML2) Cut and Cover Approach Yard Lead Approach Structure Retaining Wall Retaining Wall Mainline Bridges at 43rd Street (CH053) Retaining Wall Retaining Wall CH054 – 48th St Main Line Bridge (Reloc. ML4 and Temp. ML2) GM Access Bridge
Cut and Cover Approach - Typical Approach Structure
Demolition - Private Properties on 43rd Street
Traction Power Substation C08 at 43rd Street Traction Power Substation C08 – Foundations Only Yard Lead Tunnel Approach Structure
Underpinning - Protection of Honeywell St. Bridge
Underpinning - Protection of GM Access Bridge (jet grout columns)
Underpinning - Yard Lead Tunnel - 43rd St Bridge Pier Modification Temp. Steel Road Plate Relocated DEP Sewer Yard Lead Mini Piles Mini Piles
Working Arrangements with Railroads Railroad Interfaces Working Arrangements with Railroads Flagging Support and Force Account Support Working within Harold Interlocking and Sunnyside Yard TBM Removal next to Harold Mainline and Catenary
Main Staging Area 500 ft
Key Elements (1 of 2) Contract Construction Interfaces New Technology Predecessor Contracts: CQ028, CH053 Interfaces in Harold Interlocking and Yard A with Concurrent Contracts: CH054, CM009, CM012, CM019, Force Account. Successor Contracts: CQ032, CH057, CS079 Additional Design Interfaces with: CH059, CS081 New Technology Pressurized Face TBMs Precast Booted -Block Trackwork System.
Key Elements (2 of 2) Means and Methods Generally shown as ‘Suggested Method’ with permissible alternatives detailed in the specifications: TBM: Pressurized Face (Slurry or EPB) Liner: Reinforcement designed by GEC consultant. Contractor can propose modifications to details such as left/right rings, taper, segment shape and dowels Ground Treatment: Jet grout or ground freezing feasible Ground Support for Vent Shafts: slurry walls or secant piles feasible Temporary Support for Yard Lead Approach Structure: Jet grout plus soldier pile and lagging suggested, slurry walls and tremie plug acceptable Temporary Support for Westbound Bypass. Suggested as Soldier Pile and lagging with rakers or tie-backs Underpinning: Various methods suggested (one per pier location) Instrumentation and Monitoring Mixed Face, Boulders and Shallow Tunneling
ESA Project – General Description OUT
OUT Queens Packaging Plan Harold Stage 1 Harold Stage 2 Harold Stage 3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Harold Stage 1 28 Months Harold Stage 2 20 Months Harold Stage 3 16 Months 18 Months Harold Stage 4
Amtrak Buildings To Be Demolished OUT Amtrak Building 3
Ventilation Shafts and Emergency exits OUT
Emergency Exit Shaft Construction OUT Slurry Wall Rig
East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 OUT Contract CQ031 Key Contractor Issues MTA/LIRR East Side Access
Tunneling Issues Differing Site Conditions (mixed face, boulders, contaminated ground, buried obstructions), Geotechnical Interpretive Report Settlement and Sinkholes (Sunnyside Yard, Harold Mainline, Harold Signal Tower, Bridge Piers, 43rd Street, Loop Track Retaining Wall) Instrumentation Monitoring by MTA Responsibility for Direct and Indirect Damages Mixed Face, Boulders and Shallow Tunneling OUT
Draft Schedule Summary Sept 2007 to Feb 2011 (41 months, approx.) 2007 2008 2009 2010 J F M A S O N D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 OUT
East Side Access Outreach - April '07 3/28/2017 We’re sensitive to your problems: Rising Construction Costs – So we’ll look at the need for material escalation provisions Increasing volume of work in both the private and public sectors – So we look at phasing our jobs Stress on labor resources - We monitor availability of labor and package jobs to maximize use of resources MTA/LIRR East Side Access