ESDI presentation at SEESDI conference, Sofia, 23rd October 2003 The ESDI, past, present and future Claude Luzet, EuroGeographics Programme Manager
Page 2 Yesterday in Europe ……..
Page 3 Three European steps 1.GI2000 and the EGII (European Geographic Information Infrastructure) ETeMII and the European Territorial Management Information Infrastructure) GSDI → ESDI (European spatial Data Infrastructure) → INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) → ???
Page 4 GI2000 : a discussion paper An initiative born in 1995, buried in 1999 Geographic Information in Europe: a Discussion Document, DG XIII/E - August 1998 Identified main barriers to development National orientation No mandate to provide for the cost of collecting and maintaining EU- wide data sets Different rules exist within the Member States Disparities between these local markets
Page 5 GI2000 : barriers to development (cont’d) Lack of base data Lack of consistency between national data sets results in lack of exploitation for other applications, leading to duplication of effort Unexploited potential of GI in Europe Lack of awareness of the potential benefits of using digital geographic information may be the greatest barrier to future market development Technical problems Action is needed to ensure that the necessary training is available in Europe.
Page 6 GI2000 : suggested areas for EU action Providing leadership for European co-operation and co-ordination Continued support to European associations such as EUROGI, CERCO, MEGRIN Stimulating the development of a European GI infrastructure Encourage public bodies to co-operate and form partnerships with the private sector Create seamless geographic base data across Europe Stimulate the creation of EU-wide directory services Ensure that GI specific standards are developed as needed Realising the potential of GI at European level Contributing to the definition of global rules and standards
Page 7 A spatial data infrastructure means: “The availability and the unimpeded sharing and use of the required data, according to agreed mechanisms and specifications.”
Page 8 A spatial data infrastructure consists of: ContentTechnology Institutional Stake- holders
Page 9 … or about technical In short infrastructure is… … about the existence and interoperability and business interoperability of technology of data of actors
Page 10 …….. Today in Europe ……..
Page 11 State of the art in Europe (business models) From a 2003 EuroGeographics study on 19 European countries (L.Aslesen and Expert-Group on Legal & Commercial Issues ) Different categories of business models at NMAs with a fixed budget and tasks, all income back to government with a fixed budget and tasks, allowed to keep (part of) income with a “state contract”, often combined with an expected return on investments for the government
Page 12 State of the art (licensing and services) Most cases indicate a defined policy for usage (usage rights, business license, internal/private use), and a form of license for value-added products However : Analysis difficult because of unclear answers → Language and terminology problems Pricing policies for on-line services fall in three main categories Charging per volume, i.e. per hits or transaction Charging a fixed fee, usually per year Combination of these two
Page 13 Towards business ‘interoperability’ Obvious need to increase harmonisation of (national) pricing and licensing policies – Doesn’t mean the same terms and prices for data anywhere – It does mean greater agreement on pricing models, licensing arrangements and service delivery – And common terminology : ‘speaking the same language’
Page 14 EuroSpec Survey on Reference Data, Feb’03
Page 15 Positional Accuracy
Page 16 State of the art (technical) Results of survey (A.Jakobsson and EuroGeographics ExG-Quality) Common Reference Data mostly available at 100% (minimum 70% for parcels, buildings, addresses) At medium-high resolution (~1: scale) Very few implementations of international standards High trend in changes in DB structure: object based (9/11), moving towards (6/5) Final report to be published end 2003
Page 17 ……. and tomorrow.
Page 18 The INSPIRE RDM position paper : Identified the Common Reference Data as a key component of the ESDI, And recommended To define a conceptual model for the reference data components To agree of common definitions for objects and their attributes belonging to the components of the reference data That reference data specifications are created and described in a way that is commonly understood and which takes into account cultural differences.
Page 19 The 12 INSPIRE policy principles of the DPLI position paper 1- The European Spatial Data Infrastructure shall be built upon a network of National Spatial Data Infrastructures; 6- Reference data will provide the underpinning framework to which all other INSPIRE data will be referenced. 3- Datasets made available to harmonised data specifications and to common standards; 10- Harmonised licensing framework will optimise sharing and trading of georeferenced thematic information;
Page 20 The INSPIRE Common Reference Data 1.Units of administration 2.Selected topographic themes –hydrography, transport, heights 3.. Units of property rights –parcels, buildings. 4.Geodesy 5.Addresses 6.Orthoimages 7.Gazetteer
Page 21 The EuroSpec programme EuroSpec Schema Small scale WFD, ERM Large scale GiModiG+ EuroRoadS prototype Others : Cadastre, Risks mngt etc... prototype Use cases NDB
Page 22 Use cases Iterative implementation EuroSpec Schema Small scale WFD, ERM Large scale GiModiG+ EuroRoadS prototype Others : Cadastre, Risks mngt etc… prototype NDB prototype
Page 23 EuroSpec Workshop 2 (July 2003): Co-organised with the European Commission (JRC) 42 experts, from 16 countries (EU-15, EFTA, new MS) Representing main stakeholders
Page 24 WS-2 conclusions EuroSpec an indispensable and timely initiative A process, with short- and long-term objectives Necessity to relate to and link with real life use-cases and existing relevant initiatives and projects Build on existing legacy from major actors EuroGeographics as the ‘natural’ leader Minutes and presentations available at
Page 25 EuroGeographics : an Association of NMAs + Cadastre 45 Members, 33 active Management: Management Board, Head Office “weak” in SEE
Page 26 A distributed organisation Currently 4 running Projects, 3 active Expert Groups BKG NLS IGN Legal & NLS BKG NLS Head IGN NLS
Page 27 SABE : seamless administrative boundaries ~ administrative units Two resolutions ( , 1 million) 10 years on the market : Main versions: 1991, 1995, 1997, 2001 New coming update: SABE SIRE codes (2004?) Now 36 countries still expanding
Page 28 EuroGlobalMap Global (500k-1M) scale All topographic components First release : 30 countries Autumn 2003 : evaluation January 2004 : commercial Plans for upgrade and extension
Page 29 EuroRegionalMap Regional/national scale (1:100k ~1:250k) covering 7 countries Availability : Autumn 2003 : evaluation January 2004 : commercial Prototype for whole Europe (EU 25+ planned for 2006)
Page 30 EuroSpec Vision DB A DB B DB C ISO EuroSpec Pricing & Licensing policy Euro Metadata Users Legal Framework Euro Reference Data Own data EuroSpec Schema “project” Expert Group on Commercial & Legal issues
Page 31 Next steps for the ESDI? GI2000, more than 5 years ago Had already identified the issues and proposed the appropriate actions INSPIRE Had raised awareness of and promoted the ESDI vision and concepts Had created an stronger community of GI stakeholders … but no INSPIRE legal framework before 2006, 2007, ? Urgent needs now From the market, the Industry For supporting the development of the national strategies on SDIs
Page 32 Starting now, how? 1.Use and support today existing operational structures, eg. EuroGeographics Representing major stakeholders Mapping and Cadastre of 40 European countries A network of various expertise Permanent operational body of 5 persons (and € core budget) Working in close partnership with EUROSTAT/GISCO : the EC GI data manager JRC/INSPIRE project : the EC GI technical support CEN/TC287 liaison member EUROGI : the community of the European stakeholders EuroSDR & Agile : the European GI research community EUREF (geodesy), EuroGeoSurveys (geology), etc 2.In parallel consider what other organisational structure should best manage the future development of the ESDI.
Page 33 EuroSpec : Benefits For reference data custodians Shares best practice re-engineering databases & developing new products/services Provides common specifications for those not yet on the move, Input national/organisations culture and language specifics. Interoperability – business Increasing public-private partnership (and outsourcing), Review business policies & processes. Interoperability – data A major step towards the NSDIs and the ESDI
Page 34 From centralised delivery of reference data …. NationalEuropean SABE EGM ERM Sub-National
Page 35 …… to decentralised delivery of reference data (European) European users, eg. ECs, VAs Cross-border eg. risk mngt Governance Industry National process Sub-National Citizens, Services
Page 36 In conclusion : Business and technical interoperability Is not to be imposed from a top-down approach; Will not occur spontaneously; But requires the collaboration of the main stakeholders, in a process that takes account of each organisation’s specificity; The EuroSpec Programme offers one of the mechanism for this collaboration to come to reality and bring concrete results; More cost effective and sustainable – National & European Embracing opportunities created by technology (OGC, etc.) Answers to the requirements for “semantic interoperability”
Page 37 Thank you !