Learn Track for Enterprise Tracking the Enterprise Curriculum Professor Anne Jones
Why is a Tracking System needed? n Guidance from QCA very complex n Ofsted: Enterprising young people 2005 bemoans lack of systems and measures n Need to simplify into clear steps n Need Benchmarking at the start n And to measure outcomes at the end n The KISS treatment please!
How can Enterprise Track help? n ET is a flexible online tracking system n Easily customised for Schools n Tested and tried in Schools n Easy to use, clear and simple n Accessible from any where n Secure & with controlled access
Features of Enterprise Track A Log for each student to contain: n Action plans devised by the school n A Learning Diary…… or Blog! n A Record of Achievements n PDPs for students.. n A Profile Page n On-going collection of outcomes n Overview of progress for managers
Helping to track Enterprise An online log for each student n Pre-course assessment n Templates to track the Enterprise Days n And the relevant School activities n Evidence for Enterprise KS4 outcomes n Post-course assessment of progress n Data collection for overall picture n Profile Page with picture & cv
Advantages of Enterprise Track Online records, easy to find & access n Controlled access to other players n Encourages self-managed learning n Improves IT skills, literacy, numeracy n Motivates pupils: they love ROA online and the learning diaries n And their Profile Page
Enterprise Track………….. Helps students reflect on their learning n And evaluate their experience n Group marking at the touch of a button n 3 rd party verifies claims for skills n Data-base collects statistics n Record of Achievement online
Special offer for Enterprise Track n We are currently updating our enterprise tracking system n We are willing to let a limited number of schools trial it for us for a bargain price. n Track your Enterprise Development Programme for £ 399 plus VAT n Limited offer: apply now to avoid disappointment n Bargain training costs for consortia
What Next? Would you like to be a trial school? n Contact Professor Anne Jones n Lifelong Learning Systems n n n Web: