Introduction to Year 12 Parents Information Evening
Another Great Set of Examination Results A/A* - 30% The 5+ A* - C with English and Maths pass rate : 75% ALevel and AS Level above the national average
Curriculum: AS Levels Can be a stand-alone qualification The half-way stage to a full (A2) A-Level Two or three units per subject Unit marks add together to give a final mark and grade Timing of examinations: May/June
Units Per Subject Most subjects comprise 2 units which are studied individually. It is the combined total from each unit which gives the final grade. Two further units per subject are studied at A2 level in Year 13. The total of all unit marks over two years determines the final A level grade. An A* is awarded to those students who achieved an overall A grade and who have achieved 90% or more of the maximum marks at A2
Timing of teaching and examinations AS – –Taught from September 2013 – May, 2014; –Exams in May/June, 2014 A2 – –Taught from June, 2014 – May 2015 –Exams in June 2015
Why 4 AS levels for most students? Because it leads to higher achievement potential; Because it enables development and choice ahead of A2; Because it provides a balanced curriculum and timetable; Because most students from other schools applying to University will have done four AS levels. Because students capable of doing 4 AS levels, should do them. Because there is a potential to add to university points score.
Why 3 AS levels for some students? The step up to A-level is more difficult for some. [For progression these students must remember that they need to pass in all 3 subjects. A pass grade is A to E]
GCSE English & Maths Re-sits University applications will require GCSE English and Maths Most employers will look for them Entries for examinations are made before October 2nd Maths and English re-sits can be taken November and June* * For the English exam in June, students must take advice from their English teachers It is only English and Maths that can be retaken at school.
Grades = UCAS tariff points AS levelA2 Grade A Grade B50100 Grade C4080 Grade D3060 Grade E2040 Grade A* applicable to A2 levels only (where there is an added challenge factor =140 points)
University Applications Some universities have grade entry : B-B-C Some universities have points entry : 280 points (equivalent to BBC) Some universities may ask for points and a specific subject grade: 280 points with B in Maths
Progression to Year 13 AS results –Pass grades: A to E –3 A2 subjects, excluding General Studies –Approximately 30 students may not progress from Year 12 to Year 13
The Importance of AS Levels Determine progression to Year 13 Influence final A-Level outcome Influence predicted grades Influence university applications Influence university offers [evidence shows that AS levels are the most reliable predictors of final A level achievement]
Year 12 can be more important than Year 13
Our Difficult Decisions To allow a student to drop from 4 to 3 AS levels To withdraw a student from examination entry. To advise an alternative progression route during or after Year 12 There will be consultation with students and parents, but some decisions will rest with the school.
Curriculum and Timetabling in Year 12 AS Level Over a 2 week period: a possible 50 X 1hour lessons Each subject has 9 lessons over 2 weeks = 36 hours of contact time 1 hour per subject of independent study over 2 weeks. Therefore, there are 8 hours of non contact time over a fortnight.
Free time v study time For every hour of taught time there should be one hour of study This would be the equivalent of a 38 hour week: should we be expecting more? Our high achieving students will do more hours of private study Homework and home study are vital Ive got no work to do is unacceptable
Independent study at school –Study facilities –Background work and consolidation –Independent motivation –Use of departmental study areas –Departmental independent study units –Non-contact study –Frog –Morpeth Library
Additional Studies –General Studies (2 hours per fortnight) from January –English and Maths Changes to Timetable/Requests to change must be made before end of September, and depend on availability.
Assessment, recording and reporting Subject Interviews Grade Updates End of Year 12 report Parents/subject evening + information evenings Key Dates, including mock exams
Post 16 Target Setting Rationale To set A level targets for students that are challenging, personalised yet achievable based on both prior attainment and skills. Process Subject predictions are made on 2 pieces of evidence – ALIS test and GCSE average point score
Post 16 Target Setting ALIS Test - skills 45 minute test completed at the beginning of Year 12 which tests skills such as literacy, numeracy and reasoning. Outcome gives a subject prediction GCSE Average Point Score – prior attainment The average GCSE grade for each student is calculated and a subject prediction is produced
Post 16 Target Setting Both subject predictions are compared and a decision is reached by the sixth form team and subject staff which of the 2 is the best prediction. challenging, achievable, personalised
Expectations Study/homework/coursework Dress code including piercings Punctuality Attendance Registration and assembly Contact with home
There is no automatic home study leave for students in Year 12. Home study may be granted for students who have no lessons timetabled for an afternoon session. [We have no car parking on site for students]
Opportunities Student Leadership Senior Roles In-class support and Year 9 liaison Charity and Community Student led initiatives Extra curricular
Ask not what your school can do for you, but what you can do for your school The Active Student Award is an activity, certificated by The King Edward VI School, which rewards the level of active service that, students make to the lives of our school, the wider community and in raising funds for worthy causes. It is an expectation that all Year 12 students will complete the certificate.
How to gain ASA Actively serving the local community e.g. in- class support (Min of 15 hours) Actively helping raise funds for worthy causes e.g. carol singing, bake sale (Two events) Actively gaining work experience* (Min of 15 hours) In Year 13 students must continue one of the three parts to achieve the award
Advice Tutors Personal interviews External input and school support –Higher education –Career opportunities/work experience –Personal education Progression to Year 13, HE, apprenticeships and employment.
Advice Susan Brown: School UCAS Co-ordinator/Office Manager –All UCAS application queries –16-19 Bursary Administrator –Student Support related queries Fiona Long/Janet Schreier: Post 16 Mentors. –Support –Guidance –Study Skills –Time Management Skills –Work Life Skills –Information for the Future, UCAS, College, Apprenticeships, Work/University Experience
16-19 Bursary Fund Full bursary guidelines can be obtained from the Sixth Form Centre and from Frog
Planning for the Future The need for all students to be thinking what next?