Chapter 2 BAI517 Chris Redford
Different version of Linux are called Distributions or Distros. Each one has its strengths and focus: Red Hat / Fedora Slackeware Madrake (Mandriva) Ubuntu Kubuntu Mint Damn Small CentOS Mepis BSD Astaro Debian Knoppix OpenSuse Gentoo Dreamlinux Frugalware GoboLinux Zenwalk FreeBSD Linux XP RipLinux Turbolinux GOS Vector Mythbuntu Big Linux
HowTos ◦ Because of the communal effort that Linux is based on HowTo manuals are available for all aspects of Linux admin. To verify the hardware you have refer to a guide. You can start with CPU ◦ 32 or 64 bit support (real & virtual) ◦ Pentium 200MHz min. for text mode ◦ Pentium II 400MHz for GUI mode Memory ◦ 128MB text mode and 256 GUI mode (minimum) All requirements are Fedora specific. Other distros may use more or less
Hard Drive ◦ Depending on install packages 600MB to 9GB CD/DVD ◦ Install vs. Live CD/DVD ◦ Optional boot to memory stick
Default setup via the wizard (Druid) will create the required partions. They can be configured manually if desired. ◦ VG / LVM ◦ Root ◦ Swap ◦ Boot ◦ Var ◦ Home ◦ Usr
Linux partitioning requires the creation of Logical Volumes (LV) ◦ Each volume will have a specific task The collective LVs are referred to as the Volume Group (VG)
Root or “/” ◦ Top of the logical hierachy ◦ The last partition created and usually take the remaining disk space.
Home ◦ User home directories ◦ Keeping user data and O/S files seperate
Var ◦ Variable – data that frequently changes System logging, package information, account info
usr ◦ User info, can be used for exporting user info to a different system. ◦ Sizing will depend on the number and type of software packages installed.
swap ◦ Temporary storage of programs and system data when there is not enough RAM available. ◦ Partitions should be twice the size as the system RAM value. ◦ Optimization tip: keep this partition on a separate physical drive
This partition holds the kernel and grub files This kernel image for Fedora 8 is 3.2GB
Download.iso files.iso files need to be burned to disk Core 8 is the current version and will fit on a single DVD
Review Answers from Revolution OS Linux Distro Report ◦ In-class research and report Read Chapter 2 Answer questions on p.42 Homework Assignment: ◦ Linux Distro Report