History of Islam
Meaning of Islam Term “Islam” often translated “submission” A Muslim is “one who submits or surrenders to the will of Allah” Believed that submitting to the divine will brings harmony, peace, and order to the universe Islam means both submission and peace (salam)
Abraham, Hagar, and Ishmael
Abraham is the Father of the Faith Abraham and Hagar’s son Ishmael is in the lineage of Islam Through Abraham, Islam received the covenant to become as numerous as the stars and a mighty nation in the land of Canaan Abraham is believed to be the first Muslim – one who submitted to the will of God (Allah)
Muhammad the Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdallah lived in Mecca, from about 570 ce to 632 ce At about 40 years of age began to receive the revelation of God Revelations came through the angel Gabriel Continued for more than 20 years Prophet’s teachings became foundation of Islam Revelations recorded in the Quran, Islamic holy book
The Quran Believed to be the direct and inalterable word of God Includes instruction on: religious beliefs, human conduct, relationships among people, government, and events similar to events in the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible Important that the Quran is memorized and recited Quran is itself the holy presence of Allah – treated with ritual purity
Three Holy Cities: Mecca Muhammad began preaching the revelation of Allah in 610 ce Forced to leave due to persecution in 622 ce Returned to Mecca in 630 Became center of Islam in Arabia
Mosque of the Prophet Muhhamad, Medina
Three Holy Cities: Medina Muhammad continued preaching Consolidated religious, political and military power over a group of Arab tribes (like clans) The move to Medina is known as the Hejira (migration), became year 1 of the Islamic calendar
Three Holy Cities: Jerusalem Mystical journey to Jerusalem accompanied by angel Gabriel Prayed with earlier prophets including Abraham and Jesus Ascended into heaven into the presence of Allah Daily prayer cycle of five prayers from this revelation
Islam after Muhammad Political leaders known as Caliphs – from Arabic Khalifa : “deputy” or “successor” Captured major cities throughout the Middle East Cultural diffusion with Jewish, Christian, Persian, and Zoroastrian traditions led to a rich cultural development in 9 th & 10 th centuries Became world power under the Ottoman Turks controlling North Africa, southeastern Europe and the Middle East