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Present situation Bangalore - almost 50% fresher engineers are unemployed Average starting salary of an engineer is less than 15,000** **(non-campus jobs) Investment of 5-10 lakhs in engineering Is giving a job of 15 to 20,000
Present situation Average increment of an engineer - 10% Low job satisfaction Onsite opportunities to US/UK have decreased because of - Powerful Remote access technology Large number of local Indian projects
The Solution Upgrade your skills and education The Solution
Available Options Problems Learning new software languages Languages keep changing every year You still get same type of job that you have now
Available Options Problems Doing MBA in IT This is a falling trend In Maharashtra, over 300 MBA Institutes closed down between 2012 and 2015 Only students from Premier MBA Colleges get good jobs
Available Options Problems Doing MBA in IT Mostly non challenging work Part time MBA courses are losing shine
The next Big Trend Big Data Latest hot domains Today software engineering is not just writing a program It has gone far beyond this Cloud Computing
About Big Data Big Data NASSCOM's recent analysis was published in Hindustan Times in July 2015 This industry grew at 83% per year between 2012 and 2015 By the end of 2015, it will create 15,000 to 20,000 jobs A certified Big Data fresher bags a salary of 6 to 10 lakhs
What is Big Data What Big Data people do ? Analyse Digital Data Convert it into a business opportunity
What is Big Data 60 % people between age 25 to 30 Example First Pie chart
What is Big Data Example Only 15% people between age 25 to 30 have investments Second Pie chart
What is Big Data After analysing both charts, we can say that May be because there was no suitable investment scheme for them Most of the people between age 25 to 30 who clicked the ad did not invest Which means there is a “huge demand” for investment schemes specially designed for younger generation between age 25 to 30
About Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Simple example is Google Drive is an online shared storage space Like an online hard disk
About Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Networks Servers Applications etc Likewise, all other technology resources can be shared too Companies across the world share these resources for Maximum utilisation Cost advantage due to sharing Utilising each other's shared services
About Cloud Computing Companies using Cloud Computing technology Any many more…
About Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Jobs Large number of newly hired freshers in campus jobs are put in Cloud Computing projects Large gap between demand and supply of Certified Cloud Computing professionals
About Aegis School of Business & Telecom A leading institute in Technology Management Started in 2002 with support from Bharti Airtel Provides various programs in 25 countries to top executives from leading Technology companies
About Aegis School of Business & Telecom In 2015 To provide advanced courses in upcoming technologies
About Aegis School of Business & Telecom Course Details 11 month course Total fees : 3,50,000 + tax = 3,99,000 3 installments
The Way Ahead 3 types of people 1. People who make things happen 2. People who watch things happening 3. People who wonder what happened