Our V illage Kokory
Kokory is a village in the Czech republic. We can find Kokory between P ř erov and Olomouc in the part of the republic called Moravia. In the neighbourhood of Kokory there are some little villages called Nelešovice, Č elechovice, Ž eravice.
In Kokory there live 1152 inhabitants, there are four hundred house numbers.
In Kokory we have got a chapel, a church and a graveyard. The chapel is dedicated to František Xaverský. The church is build in renaissance style,but partly it is built in baroque style. Large graveyard belongs to church.
The chapel in Kokory
Social institute is in the center of Kokory. Social institute is for 75 users. It is for women with mental or fyzical handicap.
St.Florián is a patron of firemen and he quards our village against the fire.
In Kokory there is a monument for the memory of victims of the first world war.
We think, that a very interesting thing is that in our village there is a volcano, but it is idle. Majority of people don‘t know about it, because the volcano is underground.
In our village we have a playground where children can play games and compete.
Football is a very popular sport in our village. We have got two football teams here. The first team 1.AC Kokorácek. The second team is Jednota Kokory. There are nine players in each team. T he t eams play football match every Sunday. Football pitch is in a forest behind Kokory. There is gravel surface.
In forests there live a lot of animals. For example boars, does, deer, foxes and many others. The forest is partly in Kokory and partly in Ž eravice. It‘s a big forest with hills and many trees. We have got a hillock here. It’s name is Brambor. We go on sleights there every winter. In Kokory there are collective farms with pigs, cows, goats. Hop is grown there too, we have got large hop gardens here.
There are 4 ponds and one brook named Olešnice which is near our school. Not too far from west side of Kokory there is a pond named Brambor and next to it there is another pond which was a pool before. In the middle of Kokory there is another pond which many people use for iceskating in winter.
Activities in Kokory Each year there are various events in Kokory. Activities in spring: 1)Hunters' Ball - hunters show their skills with various rifles 2)Fire ball – it is a typical ball where you can dance with your friends Activities in summer: 1)The celebration of beginning of the holidays 2)Farewell to summer holidays – these two activities are especially for children, they can come for the barbecue and tak e part in some competitions
Activities in winter: The fair – each year we kids hol d the traditional Christmas fair, we make some wreaths and Christmas decorations, we bake Christmas confectionery, etc.
The legend of Kokory It is said that there used to be a castle on a hill in our village. The monarch who lived there had a daughter, who was very proud and conceited. According to a legend she had many suitors. She gave them some tasks which should have helped her to find the husband for her. One of the tasks was to throw the stone over the castle. When throwing, the two men killed each other. Now people say that two men changed into dogs and chase a black chicken (the woman) there.
We like living in Kokory!