Vocabulary Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Set 1 & Set 2 = Quiz on Friday
Remember: for full credit, you need the followingfor each word. 1. Word: 2. Definition: 3. Part of Speech: 4. Synonym 5. Example sentence: 6. Original sentence:
carcass The carcass of the dead horse was found along the dirt road. The bear’s jaws crunched hungrily on the deer’s carcass. What does Carcass mean?
definition Remains of a dead animal POS: Noun Synonyms: corpse, body, remains
rivulets The country through which they passed was not only well wooded, but well watered by numerous rivulets. The dog paused to get a drink while I crossed the rivulet. Rivulets of sweat ran down the runner’s body.
definition very small stream POS: Noun Synonyms: brook, creek
mercenary During WWII, many mercenaries were hired to fight in the war. The former Navy Seal became a mercenary to fight in North Africa. What does mercenary mean?
definition Person hired to fight for another country (or cause) other than their own POS: Noun Synonyms: gunman, professional soldier
reservoir As a result of the recent rain storm, our reservoir has much more water. A hose pipe ban is in force because the reservoir that supplies our water is low due to lack of rain. – What does reservoir mean?
definition Artificial lake used as a source of water supply POS: Noun Synonyms: pool, pond
tributary They could not bring the boat up the river’s tributary, because it was almost a mere stream. The Missouri River is the longest tributary of the Mississippi River. Based on context clues, what does tributary mean?
definition River or stream flowing into a larger body of water POS: Noun Synonyms: side stream, branch, feeder