IMPERIALISM AND AMERICA. AMERICAN EXPANSION Throughout the 19 th century America expanded its reach toward the Pacific, however by the 1880’s America’s.


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Presentation transcript:


AMERICAN EXPANSION Throughout the 19 th century America expanded its reach toward the Pacific, however by the 1880’s America’s leaders had become convinced that we needed to establish a presence overseas This policy of imperialism, a policy where a stronger country extended its economic, political, & military control over weaker nations, had become policy not only for the U.S. but others as well

GLOBAL COMPETITION The U.S. entered the imperialism race very late as European countries had adopted this policy for centuries A prime target was the continent of Africa By the 20 th century only Ethiopia & Liberia were independent Asia, especially China was also a target Most Americans supported this idea of imperialism for 3 reasons 1.Desire for military strength 2.Need for new markets 3.Belief in cultural superiority

DESIRE FOR MILITARY STRENGTH Seeing other nations building their global military presence many began to advise that the U.S. do so as well One that advised this was Alfred Mahan of the Navy He saw this a vital if we were to compete with other nations The result was nine new steel-hulled cruisers This would transform the U.S. into the worlds third largest navel power

THIRST FOR NEW MARKETS By the late 19 th century American industry was producing goods at such a rate that the American market could not absorb all the goods This new industry was also in need of new sources of raw materials As a result many viewed new foreign markets as the solution to American industry’s problems

CULTURAL SUPERIORITY Cultural factors were used to justify this policy of imperialism The combination of the belief in Social Darwinism & the superiority of the Anglo Saxon fueled the desire

THE U.S. ACQUIRES ALASKA In 1867 William Seward arranged to buy Alaska from the Russians for 7.2 million This purchase was known as “Seward’s Icebox” of “Seward’s Folly” The cost came out to be about.02 cents per acre Bust depicting William H. Seward in Seward, Alaska

THE U.S. TAKES HAWAII In the same year that the U.S. acquired Alaska we also took over the uninhabited Midway Islands Hawaii was another question because it was inhabited & had become a vital for its sugar cane as well as an important port for those on their way to China By 1850 ¾’s of the nations wealth was in American owned plantations In 1875 the U.S. agreed to import Hawaiian sugar tax free This would last until 1890 when the McKinley Tariff ended the tax free sugar This sent the Hawaiian economy into crisis & led to cries for Hawaiian annexation by American planters After much debate & action President McKinley would agree to the annexation without consent from the Hawaiian people