The palace of Queen Liliuokalani
Learning Goals: 1.Identify the reasons why the United States became an imperial power. 2.Explain how the United States gained possession of Alaska and Hawaii.
Journal Question Journal: What makes a country powerful?
Journal Question Explanation: Empire is defined as a political unit having an extensive territory or comprising a number of territories or nations and ruled by a single supreme authority. There have been many empires throughout history. Journal: Imagine that you are an advisor to the president. Why would the U.S. want to build an empire? Write your journal question as a conversation with the president.
1. The policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker nations is called imperialism.
2. Queen Liliuokalani upset American planters in Hawaii by limiting their power and influence. The American planters overthrew the queen and set up their own government. Farmer Queen
Think-Pair- Share Imagine that aliens have landed on Earth. They are trying to change the culture of the people that live here. The aliens are visiting your house and trying to get you to change your way of life. How do you feel? Explain your answer. Think about your answer and then turn to a neighbor and share your thoughts. We will share as a group.
3. Grover Cleveland withdrew the treaty that would annex Hawaii. The United States was interested in making Hawaii a military base. Annex- Annex- the formal act of acquiring something (especially territory) by taking it over or occupation
4. Americans become interested in overseas expansion in the late 1800s to expand its economic and military power. The U.S. also claimed that it wanted to spread democracy.
Think-Pair- Share Think of a group of people that were forced to change their ways because someone stronger wanted their land. What if the people that were their first were allowed to keep their natural resources and used them to gain wealth. For example, what if Native Americans hunted buffalo and sold the hides and meat for wealth with other people? Think about your answer and then turn to a neighbor and share your thoughts. We will share as a group.
5. European nations began establishing colonies in Africa in the late 1800s.
6. William Seward promoted American expansionism by purchasing Alaska from Russia. His purchase was called “Seward’s Icebox” and “Seward’s Folly.” Alaska is cold. Currently, Alaska celebrates the purchase on Seward's Day, the last Monday of March. Currently, Alaska celebrates the purchase on Seward's Day, the last Monday of March.
Think-Pair- Share Think about a list of tools that would be needed if you were taking people to a new land (colonizing). What would be two of the most important tools you would bring. Explain your answer. Think about your answer and then turn to a neighbor and share your thoughts. We will share as a group.
7. Supporters of expansionism argued that it would increase the nation’s financial prosperity, strengthen the nation militarily, and spread democratic ideas.
CLOSURE ACTIVITY Three W’s Students discuss or write (3 Ws): What did we learn today?What did we learn today? So What? (relevancy, importance, usefulness)So What? (relevancy, importance, usefulness) Now What? (How does this fit into what we are learning?; Does it affect our thinking?)Now What? (How does this fit into what we are learning?; Does it affect our thinking?)