Welcome to Grandpare nt ’ s Day in Mrs. Harder ’ s room
Kannon I love my grandpare nts because my grandma gets me special things like a gumball container. My grandma takes care of me and she loves me.
Hope My grandparen ts are special because they come to all my birthdays and we have sleepovers. We went to Top Golf for Mother ’ s Day. They come cheer for me at my volleyball games.
Braylee My grandma is special because for my birthday she always takes me out to dinner for sushi. My grandma sews outfits for my American girl doll.
Jonah My grandpare nts are special because they come to almost all of my birthdays. We go to the park and play together. We play with their dog, Scout.
Dominic They love to play with me outside. We have date night on Saturdays when my parents are out. I get to have ice cream with sprinkles when I am good.
DJ My grandpare nts are special because my grandma helps me draw. My grandpa plays ball with me. They are very nice because they invite us over all the time.
Kate My grandpare nts are special because we bake cookies together. We like to go to flipside with our cousins and our grandpare nts.
Canon My grandpare nts are special because they babysit us when my parents go out. We like to make desserts together like Jello or cookies. We always go to the duck pond and playgroun d when we are together.
Jessica My grandpare nts are special because I have sleepover s with them. They come to my volleybal l games. They always believe in me.
Ben We get to watch TV together. We get to eat Sunday dinner together. I like to watch fishing shows with my grandpa.
Katherine My grandparent s are special because they take me to the supermarket and we buy jewelry. We get ice cream at Dairy Queen. My grandpa served our country, and I am proud of that.
Tosh My grandma is special because she is the only grandpare nt I have. She comes over to visit a lot. We like to play board games, especiall y word games like Scrabble.
Andrew My grandpa always takes me out golfing on the weekend. We usually go out to breakfast after. My grandma is a nurse, we have sleepover s and we like to go to movies.
Tyler My grandpare nts are special because they pay for lunch whenever we eat with them. My grandma always makes me apples. We are going to go to Hawaii with them for fall break.
Tatum My grandparent s are special because we go with my grandpa to the cabin with my cousins and my family. We have ice cream every time we see him. My grandpa likes to come and visit our dogs when we are out of town.
Amirah My grandpa works at an ice rink and we go there to skate. We love to ride on the Zamboni. My grandma makes banana bread and I love it. I have it for a snack. I get to help her make it. When we go to Wisconsin we have a party with family and friends.
Chloe K. My grandpare nts and I cook together. My grandma and I go to museums together. We like to play board games and card games.
Colton At my grandpare nts house we play games on iPad. We like to watch TV together. Grandma and I like to bake cookies. We like to talk together.
Collin My grandpa sets up obstacle courses in the pool. They take me rock hunting, my favorite spot is The Christmas Mine. My grandparents and family go on a vacation every summer, they set it up for us. This past summer we went to the big island of Hawaii.
Jeslyn My grandpare nts are special because they always make me laugh. We play games together like Bingo. I always like to help her set the table.
Antonio My whole family goes to Colorado every year. We have sleepover s with my cousins on the weekends. We like to go swimming.
Lexie My parents named my middle name after nana. When we go over for a sleepover we play games and make crafts.
Evan My nana is very fun, she always lets me have everythin g. We go out to eat together. We have sleepover s on the weekends.
Tripp I have sleepover s with my grandpare nts. My grandpare nts take me to museums, and we learn about animals. If I ’ m good, she gets me candy.
Robert My grandpa lives in Ohio. I get money for college from them. My cousins and I spend the night at her house. Grandma visits a lot.
Chloe C. We always have sleepove rs with my cousins. She always takes us to fun places and on bike rides. She takes us on trips to see our Aunt.
Madison My grandpare nts take me out for ice cream. They help me with my homework when they come over. They take me to the mall and buy me clothes.
Ryan My grandpare nts let us pick a movie to watch. They take us to restauran ts like Smash Burger. They come over on holidays, and we play games and talk and have a lot of fun.
Charlotte My grandma moved from Illinois to Arizona and I ’ m so happy. We have sleepovers. My grandparen ts are special because they are going to move closer to us because they live in Scottsdale.
Thank you for coming to our Grandparent ’ s Day. You are very special in our lives and we are happy you could be here today.