DEVELOPMENT ADVOCACY - A ROLE FOR EVALUATION World Vision’s Regional Systems Reform Project, Middle East and Eastern Europe
The context Advocacy Systems Reform project Types of activities Critical internal factors Financial resources Staffing resources Authority of staff Critical external factors Government systems Strength of civil society Cultural issues Geo-political location
The need Government-ripe, community-relevant, child- focused Systems Reforms
The problem Issues with M&E thinking Management of the project Inability to communicate But clever people!
The contribution of evaluation 1. Theory of change and strategy maps
Theory of Change And Strategy Maps Before setting about on a change agenda it is important to ensure that we have consensus about how we think change will come about Theory of change workshop can bring a number of elements together to discuss and outline Simpler than a theory of change map Improve your logic and get everyone understanding your model with a strategy map Uses log-frame concepts Puts it all on one page Good starting point for good DME Strategy Maps Theory of Change
Measuring advocacy Finding models California Endowment : What makes an effective advocacy organisation – A framework for determining advocacy capacity Annie Casey Foundation : A guide to measuring advocacy and policy PACT Zimbabwe : Strengthening and measuring advocacy capacity of civil society organisations
Advocacy aspects - based on California Endowment categories Leadership SkillRipe, relevant issue selection ManagementStrategic focus, integration and space to take risks Partnerships SkillForging strategic partnerships ManagementNO leadership support for strategic partnerships Management SkillNetworking, knowledge-sharing and M&E skill ManagementStaffing, funding and M&E delegation Technical skill SkillAdvocacy technical skill ManagementNO collaboration & synergy
Advocacy aspects SkillRipe, relevant issue selection Leadership 3.5 ManagementStrategic focus, integration and space to take risks SkillForging strategic partnerships Partnerships 2.5 ManagementNO leadership support for strategic partnerships SkillNetworking, knowledge-sharing and M&E skill Management 2.3 ManagementStaffing, funding and M&E delegation SkillAdvocacy technical skill Technical skill 2.8 ManagementNO collaboration & synergy Management indicators score 2.7 Georgia 2.8
Issue selection is particularly important for successful advocacy A set of tools developed that enables the National Offices to select ripe targets
Produces “NO Snapshots” - 3 Pages for each NO Basics –Financial view –Staffing view –Strategy view –Training view –Child Impacts view Snapshot Headers Targets –Staff by target –Children impacted by target –Government partners –Coalitions –Milestones last/next 6 months –Key achievements –What needs to be done differently Org Chart The “NO Snapshot”
Regional Overview: MEER Advocacy footprint Beneficiary numbers: NO reported unless otherwise indicated