Prioritising Primary Care Premises Developments Strategic Service Development Plans Keith Houghton, Associate Consultant NatPaCT/ NHS Estates
Purpose of Strategic Service Development Plan A whole system plan for investment Can act as a basis for premises procurement Describes procurement priorities/ phased investments and supports business cases
Who will have access to the SSDP? All health and social care organisations Community and professional representative groups Partnerships for Health (NHS LiFT) Potential Private Partners
What should an SSDP contain? Reflect implementation of national and local priorities Proposed PCT, SHA and local authority investments Linked to local estate strategies Joint investment/ planned disinvestments Purchase of land and use of nGMS flexibilities
Specific relevance of Primary Care Reflect current and future Service Aspirations Physical condition of the primary care estate Anticipated service changes - nGMS/PMS, Pharmaceutical and Dental contracts incentives to involve other stakeholedrs
Opportunities for Stakeholder involvement Enable front line staff to influence design solutions Reflect priorities in meeting health needs Link to urban regeneration Inclusive of all health services in a locality Enable a wider range of non-NHS community based service providers Consider opportunities with the commercial sector
Service change and impact assessment Describe planned service changes Proposed joint investment, e.g. intermediate care, emergency care Change resulting from the impact of service redesign May also act as public consultation document
Approval Process and wider use Approval by all relevant agencies at board level A live document updated regularly Reflect all investment priorities in LDP LiFT companies will deliver developments informed by SSDP In the case of batched schemes, SSDP will inform OJEC/tendering process
SOS / Ministers Public and Service Interface – SHA, PCTs, Clinicians/Networks, Social Services, Voluntary Sector Local Delivery Plan
PCT Competencies nGMS contract Investment in Estates Management and Procurement of Primary Care Premises PCT Board & PEC clearly understand responsibilities in relation to estates functions PCT ensures that there is a Board member responsible for estate issues PCT understands how to dispose of existing estate, procure new facilities and maintain current facilities. PCT should employ or contract the necessary expertise to manage the estate and facilities
PCT Competencies contd... PCT maintains an upto date estates terrier (register of property interests) owned or leased by the Trust PCT ensures a management support structure to enable an improved estate through the NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) scheme PCT should develop a Strategic Services Development Plan indicating appropriate estate requirements to meet modern patterns of service delivery.
PCT Competencies contd... PCT has a Board approved Estates Strategy PCT has an established visiting programme to ensure all owned and appropriate NHS contractor premises meet and maintain minimum standards. PCT should seek independent assurance that an appropriate and effective system of managing the estate is in place and that the necessary level of controls and monitoring are being implemented