LIFT as an Opportunity Kate Lucy Director of Development Salford PCT
Background Salfords LIFT programme What we expected What actually happened Lessons learnt
Lift is only a procurement mechanism – Its not the only means of procurement!
What does LIFT stand for? Local Improvement Finance Trust
What is SHIFT? Salford Health Investment for Tomorrow
Focus on the contribution LIFT is making to a whole system service redesign
Component Parts Hope Hospital capital improvements-PFI Local health and social care centres-LIFT
Early Key Features Separation of elective and emergency Regeneration of primary and secondary labels Development of intermediate tier (diagnostics, treatment, recovery) Specialist/locality focus
Redesignation of traditional labels Old organisational focusNew pathway focus Neighbourhood 1 º 2 º 3 º Town District 3º
Providing Specialisms Locally 4 town centre sites provide local and specialist support Pendleton-children and young people Swinton-minor surgery/DTC Walkden-rehabilitation/recovery
Pendleton Childrens Centre Hospital closure as an opportunity for redesign Considerable early work pre NSF, Climbié, Kennedy, Every Child Matters Which services should go where?
Emergent Themes Question: what really does need to be in hospital? Raised the debate Focus on criteria Challenge custom and practice
Emergent Themes New public service ethos Co-ordinated from customer perspective Joint front of house and back room services Push boundaries of service integration Bringing staff together
The Hard Bits …. Pilot status – making it up as we go along Emerging guidance – challenge to influence Stakeholder engagement – cant do enough Uncertainty on specifics – lease costs, tenants requirements
Key Enablers Belief that we cant carry on as we are City Council commitment Partner ambition Financial stability Unique LIFT asLDP as Community Tier 2 ClosurePractitioners position as procurement3 year Plan resources ofwith Commissioner routeplan Pendleburyspecial & provider Hospitalinterest
Anticipated Outputs Modern hospital facilities Modern LOCAL health and social care facilities Progress on intermediate tier Regeneration of town centres
Additional Whole System Benefits The big vision makes decisions more straightforward Sense of direction Expectation of joint working Partner targets being aimed more widely Job roles and opportunities Working on joint capital planning Sense of pride and expectation
LIFT has played a part in raising the game!