By frank Vazquez
Tundra is the coldest of all the biomes. It is noted for its frost- molded landscapes, extremely low temperatures, little precipitation, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons. Dead organic material functions as a nutrient pool. The two major nutrients are nitrogen and phosphorus. These animals are found here: Herbivores: Lemmings, Voles, Caribou, Arctic hares and Squirrels. Carnivores: Arctic foxes, Wolves, and Polar bears. Plants: Tussock grasses, Dwarf trees, Small-leafed shrubs, and Heaths.
Deserts cover about one fifth of the Earth’s surface and occur where rainfall is less than 50 cm/year. There are relatively few large mammals in deserts because most are not capable of storing sufficient water and withstanding the heat. These animals are found here: Coyote and Badger, Toads, Great horned owl, Golden eagle and the Bald eagle, and Lizards and Snakes.
The largest of all the ecosystems, oceans are very large bodies of water that dominate the Earth’s surface. Some say that the ocean contains the richest diversity of species even though it contains fewer species than there are on land. Animals that are found here: Whales, Sharks, Common School Fish, Dolphins, Plankton, Crabs, Lobsters. Plants: Algae and Mollusks
Tropical forests are characterized by the greatest diversity of species. They occur near the equator, within the area bounded by latitudes 23.5 degrees N and 23.5 degrees S. Animals that live here: Include Numerous birds, Bats, Small mammals, and Insects. Plants : Ferns, Mosses, and Palms
Grasslands are characterized as lands dominated by grasses rather than large shrubs or trees. In the Miocene and Pliocene Epochs, which spanned a period of about 25 million years, mountains rose in western North America and created a continental climate favorable to grasslands. Animals that live here: Giraffes, Zebras, Buffaloes, Kangaroos, Mice, Moles, Gophers, Ground squirrels, Snakes, Lions, Leopards, Hyenas, and Elephants. Plants: Deciduous trees and shrubs
Freshwater is defined as having a low salt concentration— usually less than 1%. Plants and animals in freshwater regions are adjusted to the low salt content and would not be able to survive in areas of high salt concentration. There are different types of freshwater regions: ponds and lakes, streams and rivers, and wetlands. Animals that live here: Mekong Catfish, Alligators, Frogs, Toads, Bull Shark, Tiger Fish. Plants: Pond lilies, Cattails, Sedges, Tamarack, and Black spruce.
Boreal forests, or taiga, represent the largest terrestrial biome. Occurring between 50 and 60 degrees north latitudes, boreal forests can be found in the broad belt of Eurasia and North America: two-thirds in Siberia with the rest in Scandinavia, Alaska, and Canada. Animals that live here: Woodpeckers, Hawks, Moose, Bear, Weasel, Lynx, Fox, Wolf, Deer, Hares, Chipmunks, Shrews, and Bats. Plants: Pine, Fir, and Spruce.