Investing in General Practice Jim Latta
nGMS Contract Arrangements Demise of Statement of Fees & Allowances Statement of Financial Entitlements Supported by electronic Primary & Social Care Premises Guide
nGMS Contract Will Provide Service Provision to be Agreed in Contract Global Sum Agreed with Providers New Separate Element for Infrastructure Costs
nGMS Contract Will Provide Existing baseline spend commitments Additional funding held by lead PCTs based on SHA prioritisation of SSDPs Ring funding for premises expenditure
nGMS Contract Announced Joint MS(H)-GPC Letter New Premises Flexibilities - bridge between old & new Contracts New funding arrangements for premises
nGMS Contract Restated Existing Premises Flexibilities HA joint venture interest in land Deprivation or needs factor for current market rents Fund the re-conversion of owner occupied premises Guarantee minimum price for sale of redundant premises Extend scheme to reconvert registered social landlord properties Reimburse equipment leasing costs on new leasehold premises Mobile service delivery units
nGMS Contract Rehearsed New Premises Flexibilities Payment of a grant to meet mortgage deficit and mortgage redemption costs Payment of a grant to meet mortgage redemption costs PCO option to purchase land Reimbursement of legal and other professional fees for modern leasehold premises Direct reimbursement of service charges, utilities, repair & maintenance and insurance Introduce index-linked leases
New Contract Announced Revised premises Schedule & Commentary Changes to cost & notional rent schemes All GP payment flexibilities to go into SFA
Issues for the Future SSDP-led investment prioritisation PCT expertise Identifying a lead PCT
Support Facilities NHS Estates PC Delivery Team NHS Estates-NatPaCT Partnership NHS Estates Business Manager Units
NHS Estates Performance Team 5 Divisional Heads 20 Strategic Estates Advisors 10 Primary Care Support Managers
NHS Estates Team Will…. Will work thro SHAs to monitor and support PCT delivery Inform PC NHS capital allocations Overall result is targeted investment