Course Introduction All images from :
Conservation Success Stories
Massachusetts Critical Species Assignment Link to assignment home page
Applied Science
Why are there no Brown (Grizzly) bears in Groton?
Review of Ecology Definition of Ecology Applied Ecology
Ecology and the Scientific Method Assume that you are always wrong and that there is a better explanation for your observation -- Look for any other explanation for what you have seen. "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants“ -- Isaac Newton -- Do your research. Keep your eyes open in the field. Review of definition of hypothesis. Always look for patterns. How do we achieve meaningful results in the absence of real control and limited data?
Data Analysis Figure 4.2. Occupation of pools by breeding A. maculatum in relation to pond permanence and landscape coverage within 30 m of pool edge.
Habitat Assessment 1.Summary of Factors influencing patterns of distribution: –Biotic –Abiotic –Temporal 2.Critical Importance of Absence –Law of limiting factors 3.Determination of importance –Research –Observation –Analysis 4.Development of Hypotheses –Must be testable –Determination of most suitable approach
The Turtles of Lake Romeyn
Approach to the Course Readings support and perhaps guide observation and analysis. Collaborative work is essential to the success of the course. Time to reflect on the data is essential to the formation and evaluation of hypotheses. Integrity and commitment are essential for the practice of science.