I NTRODUCTION Southern Africa : Maputo July 2001 The Africa Network Campaign on Education For All (ANCEFA) emerged in 2000 following the World education forum held in Dakar Four sub-regional consultations of national civil society coalitions held in 2000 and 2001 built the vision, missions, goals, strategies and the structure of ANCEFA: West Africa : Accra September 2000 Central Africa: Brazzaville January 2001 East Africa: Dar esalam February 2001
ANCEFA V ISION A united, strong, dynamic, motivated and effective African Civil Society committed to achieving “free access to quality education” in Africa ANCEFA Mission Statement To promote, enable and Build capacity of African Civil Society to advocate and campaign for access to free quality education for all.
ANCEFA Overall Goal To promote civil society participation in the universal access to free quality education for all. ANCEFA Strategies To encourage and facilitate the emergence of strong national networks, alliances and coalitions to address Education For All (EFA) issues at the national, regional and international levels.
To develop a communications process (two way) that facilitates information sharing and best practices to enable members make informed choices. To develop mechanisms and processes for reaching consensus on EFA identified priorities for Africa and use these for joint advocacy and lobbying at the sub-regional, regional and international level. ANCEFA Strategies Cont’d
To develop a strong and independent capacity to engage with other stakeholders at the international level. To build capacity of its members to create awareness, engage in policy dialogue, budget tracking and other EFA related activities. To provide mechanisms and processes for monitoring and evaluating the achievement of the EFA goals.
ANCEFA Governance Structure The general assembly is constituted by all the member coalitions(32 in 2008) Members elected by the sub-regions (coalitions): each sub-region nominate or elect a Board member, the five elected members constitute the steering committee ANCEFA has a 9 members Board
4 Members are selected by the steering committee in four categories: teachers unions, academic, human rights activists and media specialists ANCEFA Gov Structure Cont’d The Regional Secretariat : Is led by the Regional Coordinator. His mandate is to mobilize funds from international partners, coordinate and facilitate the implementation of ANCEFA campaign strategy.
He is supported by a staff of 7 members namely: ANCEFA Gov. Structure -Cont’d Messenger(Dakar) Three Capacity Building Project Coordinators based respectively in Nairobi, Lome and Lusaka Policy Research and Documentation Officer (Dakar) Finances and Administration Manager(Dakar) Program Assistant (Dakar)
Regional-Context of EFA Campaigns Between 1999 and 2005, the number of new entrants in primary education in SSA rose by 40% (29 million). However, demographic pressure will remain a challenge throughout the next decade when the primary school age population is expected to grow by 22%. Gender disparities have been reduced in the region particularly in primary education, but not eliminated. Only Mauritius and Seychelles have achieved Gender Parity for both Primary and Secondary education, by 2005 EFA Progress towards 2015
Regional-Context of EFA Campaigns SSA had about 2.5 million primary school teachers in 2005, an increase of nearly 500,000 since FTI has received appreciation as a concrete initiative for accelerating EFA achievements.
With nearly 33 million children of primary school age still not enrolled in school, SSA as a whole was home to 45% of the world’s out of school children, in 2005, of whom 54% were girls. EFA Challenges for AFRICA Many a child still suffers from exclusion in provision of education. For example, chances of a disabled child not being in school are two to three times greater than for a child who is not disabled in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
25 countries in Africa are at risk of not achieving the gender parity goal even in 2015 or even in EFA Challenges for AFRICA Results from regional assessment indicate poor learning outcomes in SSA. Countries that have carried out national assessments attest to this. 12 countries in Africa are at serious risk of not achieving UPE by 18 countries in Africa are at risk of not achieving Literacy Targets by 2015.
ANCEFA Policy Change Objective By the end of 2010 we expect the following 3 strategic objectives to be met: Work towards ensuring that African governments elaborate and implement concrete, time bound and costed EFA action plans with support and participation of civil society. Campaign objective 1:
Campaign Objective 2: Mobilise support towards achieving Gender parity in Primary and Secondary education by 2015 Have concrete strategies and actions from Africa regional bodies (AU, ECOWAS, SADC, CEMAC and NEPAD) to address education, HIV/AIDs, conflict and poverty in Africa. Campaign Objective 3:
Key Policy Change Activities key policy demands (Credible, costed and time bound EFA plans, 20% of national budget to Education) MINEDAF VIII December 2002 ANCEFA facilitated and coordinated building common CSO’s position on EFA ( “challenges to….EFA”) Special session for ANCEFA and Education Ministers on African civil society’s demands
Key Policy Change Activities Algiers Declaration: Education Ministers declared their government will spend at least 20% of national budget in education before end of 2007) Algiers Education Ministers Meeting, April 2005 CSO pre-meeting (ANCEFA/FAWE/EI) ground support from EI affiliates in Algeria) Joint Policy statement presented by ANCEFA (to a group of Education Ministers and donors) Presentation to the plenary session (supported by the 12 countries)
Key Policy Change Activities Cont’d Abuja Finances/Ed Ministers meeting in June 2006 Abuja Declaration : Finances and Ministers of Education from 20 countries declared that they will submit an EFA plan before Sept 06 (this never happened!!) CSO’ Caucus (ground support from CSACEFA) ANCEFA statement widely disseminated in the meeting Policy Demand:
Key Policy Change Activities Cont’d Special session between CSO’s and the AU Education commission and ADEA on how to ensure that African governments will deliver this time and avoid missing the opportunity of Gordon Brown pledge: 10 billions $ for education and against HIV/AID over 10 years AU Education decade launch in Maputo (September 2006) CSO’s caucus (ground support from the Mozambique EFA net) ANCEFA/AA/EI Africa joint declaration (presented in plenary and widely disseminated in the meeting)
Gender Mainstreaming: National workshop convened by FAWE chapters and EFA coalitions to see how gender responsive the national policies and budget are Joint initiative with FAWE on gender mainstreaming: Joint proposal to CEF on gender mainstreaming in 14 countries selected according to the UNESCO GMR report on gender Key Policy Change Activities Cont’d
Lobbying for bigger space in the UN platform on gender (ANCEFA is an elected member of the UN Girls education Initiative UNGEI International Advisory Group) Lobby letters to Education Ministers and parliamentarians on the risk of missing the 2005 target on gender parity Disseminating ANCEFA posters on gender audit Key Policy Change Activities Cont’d
CONFINTEA Regional Conference,Nairobi, November 2008 ANCEFA in Collaboration with PAALAE, PAMOJA and FEMNET set up a platform for Adult Literacy Campaign and Advocacy towards CONFINTEA VI. Coordinated the Drafting Committee of the Africa Report on Literacy ANCEFA facilitated the lobbying Strategy for bigger Civil Society Space within the regional Conference in Nairobi (2008) In partnership with Elimu Yetu Coalition (EYC), the ANCEFA East And Southern Africa (ESA) Office organized the Civil Society Pre- meeting on CONFINTEA ANCEFA has been Selected to Represent African Civil Society on the Drafting Committee of CONFINTEA VI Regional Conference Key Policy Change Activities Cont’d
Monitoring EFA Key Policy Change Activities Cont’d Exposure opportunities to emerging coalitions UPE Review in East Africa in partnership with Oxfam GB ANCEFA Education watch project in 16 countries National Capacity building activities: Facilitating and supporting coalitions’ building processes (some lusophones are involved namely: Angola, Mozambique, CapeVerde) Guinea Bissau and Sao Tome in 2009 Regional and national workshops on budget tracking and advocacy, 23 countries involved from 2006 to 2008
ANCEFA INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS Global Campaign For Education (GCE)-ANCEFA is a member of the Board OXFAM GB Open Society Institute (OSI) Action Aid International (AAI) IBIS-a Danish International Education NGO TIDES Foundation Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) The Dutch Government