European Public Health Alliance: the voice of public health in Europe Brussels, 19 February 2009 Jessica Imbert
OUTLINE Part 1 - Presentation of EPHA Part 2 - Case study: the Patient Rights Directive
WHO ARE WE? EPHA is a network of around 100 non-governmental and not-for-profit organisations across Europe working on health and health-related issues.
WHAT IS OUR MISSION? To protect the health of all people living in Europe To strengthen dialogue between EU institutions, citizens and NGOs in support of healthy public policies
WHO ARE OUR MEMBERS? Health advocates Disease specific groups Patients groups Local Authorities Academic Institutes Health professionals groups
WHO ARE OUR MEMBERS? International Networks European networks National/Regional Networks Individual member organisations
WHAT DO WE WORK ON? EPHA as Public Health Platform: Health Determinants Health Systems EU Systems Global Health
Health Determinants Keeping people healthy
Health Determinants Key Priorities 2009 Public health concerns recognised in “Food Information to Consumers” proposal Increased cooperation on Alcohol policy Report on EU approach to health determinants
Health Systems Managing the Patient Journey Healthcare Health professionals Health tools
Health Systems Key priorities for 2009 Pharmaceutical Package Patient Rights Directive Green Paper on European Workforce for Health Patient Safety
EU Systems Creating a healthy-friendly EU EU Institutions EU Legislation and Policy making EU Processes
EU Systems Key Priorities 2009 Institutional Renewal Stakeholder Approach and CSO Involvement Post-Lisbon Agenda and Economic Crisis
Global Health EPHA also works to improve European policies that have an impact on global health, primarily through Action for Global Health
EPHA as a Public Health Network Communication - Eyes and Ears in Brussels Services - adding value to our members Expansion - inclusive representation
HOW DO WE WORK? Information Dissemination EPHA newsletter Website with public forum: Policy briefings EU reports
HOW DO WE WORK? Capacity building Policy coordination meetings Workshops and training
HOW DO WE WORK? Coordinated actions EPHA working Groups Advocacy plans Position papers Consultation responses
WHO DO WE WORK WITH? Public Institutions - European Union Institutions - National and local policy makers - International Governmental Organisations: WHO, OECD, Council of Europe... Non-Health NGOs - Social Partners Other Stakeholders - Media - Foundations and policy institutes - Industry
A CASE STUDY The Proposal for a Directive on the application of Patients Rights in cross-border healthcare
CASE STUDY The Patients' Rights Directive BACKGROUND April 2006: Health services excluded from Bolkenstein May 2006 Watts Case: EU citizens can seek healthcare in other MS July 2008: Proposal for a Directive on patients rights in cross-border healthcare.
CASE STUDY The Patients' Rights Directive PUBLIC HEALTH COMMUNITY'S CONCERNS - Impact on the patient - Impact on the health professional - Impact on Health Systems in Member States - Impact on socially excluded citizens
CASE STUDY The Patients' Rights Directive OBJECTIVES OF EPHA ADVOCACY STRATEGY - A policy change: The proposed Directive should move towards the same level of access for all EU citizens - A warning: The proposed Directive should serve as a warning to tackle health inequalities
CASE STUDY The Patients' Rights Directive EPHA ADVOCACY STRATEGY - public health community: joint position - Alert EU institutions – formally and informally: - Commission - European Council - European Parliament
Jessica Imbert European Public Health Alliance Rue de Trèves 49 – 51 Boîte 6 BE Brussels +32 (0)