Leveraging Limited Dollars: Achieving Tangible Results for Families thru Policy & Civic Engagement National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families Conference Wednesday October 10, 2012 El Paso, TX
Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. - Archimedes
NCRP Promotes Philanthropy That: serves the public good; is responsive to communities with the least wealth, power and opportunity; & is held accountable to the highest standards of integrity and openness.
Why don’t more funders invest heavily in advocacy, organizing, and civic engagement?
Grantmaking for Community Impact New Mexico North Carolina Minnesota Los Angeles County Northwest Region Pennsylvania Gulf / Midsouth
Findings in Leveraging Limited Dollars $26.6 billion in benefits $231 million in funding $115 to $1 return-on-investment 528,880 people communicated with policy makers 16,282 people became core leaders of the 110 organizations 327 diverse funders participated
A.Less than $1 Million, 34% B. $1 Million to $10 Million, 32% C. Greater than $10 Million, 28% D.Unknown, 6%
Advocacy Best Practices Leadership and mobilization of affected communities. Coalitions that unite diverse constituencies and tactical strengths. Racial equity lens that addresses disparities in policies and programs. Using the courts to achieve policy change. Non-partisan voter engagement.
Funder Best Practices General support grants and multiyear funding. Reasonable paperwork requirements. Honest dialog and partnership with grantees. Shared evaluation benchmarks. Leverage beyond the grant.
Stories of Impact
The Brindle Foundation $580,000 in annual giving Long-term investment in NM Voices for Children to support child well being. Expanded access to health care for 22,000 low-income children and their parents, bringing $800M in public funding.
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation $7 million in annual giving Invests in coalitions to achieve long- term change. Adelante Education Coalition developed innovative model to increase Latino graduation rates.
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Some GCYF Signatories Cleveland Foundation Conrad N. Hilton Foundation East Bay Community Foundation Marguerite Casey Foundation McKnight Foundation Peppercorn Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation WK Kellogg Foundation Wallace Foundation
Impact and Results “The solutions to chronic diseases, poverty, and disparities are complex. We cannot achieve our mission by simply funding good people to do good work. We must seek impact and results.” Karen McNeil-Miller President Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust