M ASSIVE A DVOCACY E VENT A brief overview
A DVOCACY = SYSTEMIC CHANGE ? AdvocacyInputs System processes outputs advocated outputs Consider a simple system: Advocacy work can be seen as providing new inputs to influence a system’s behaviour or purpose
T HE B IG PICTURE : W HY A DVOCATE To lead the way – to ‘critical mass’ – imagine hundreds of Canadians demanding stronger policy! We want Canada to become a global leader in international development Impact Potential! CIDA has a budget of 1.6 BILLION for Africa Such a budget used effectively could create HUGE change
M ASSIVE A DVOCACY E VENT Michael Ignatieff recently engaged in dialogue with several campuses around the country EWB had a strong presence at many of these events Today’s activity is a follow up – we want to engage Ignatieff on two points: We want to share our individual visions of Canada as a development leader Ignatieff has acknowledged that CIDA and aid should be in the Liberal platform – we want to follow up on this and show enthusiasm for his commitment
M ASSIVE A DVOCACY E VENT The activity: We are challenging EWBers to share their vision of Canada with EWB and remind Ignatieff that we want to see CIDA and aid effectiveness in his platform To do this we are....: Writing letters! Write a letter that thanks him for the dialogue, shares your vision, and asks what points of CIDA and aid effectiveness will make it into the platform We are making a video of EWBers sharing their vision! Grab a flip chart – draw it or write it – and get on film! ARA members are on hand to help with letter writing