Perspectives on Partnership Brian Hayes & Dermott Lowneds
Introduction I am Brian Hayes a member of the of the Self Advocacy Committee of the Board of Inclusion Ireland. The Sub Committee organised the self advocacy workshop this morning. The theme for today’s conference is Partnership Now! The question we have is ‘Are we equal’?
Today’s Workshops Are people with disabilities equal partners in making decisions that affect our lives and our choices? In our workshop we talked about self advocacy, relationships and how cuts to services affect our choices.
Self Advocacy Paul spoke about Self Advocacy Advocacy helps us understand our rights and this helps us fight for our rights. Support is important – the right support
Self Advocacy The right support is doing what the person wants not what the staff or family member want Funding If the government funded advocacy work then we could control the work we do and decide on the issues that are important to us.
Self Advocacy We want –more independent advocacy groups –a national independent advocacy group We need money to keep our advocacy group going The Government has written a lot of new policies for day services and residential services. These new policies are about what the person wants.
Self Advocacy Advocacy helps people with disabilities understand their rights and say what is important to them. If the Government puts money into advocacy it will help to roll out their policies.
Self Advocacy an independent national self advocacy group can work in partnership with the government and advise them on how disability policy and law affects people with disabilities on a daily basis.
Relationships I am Dermott a member of a member of the of the self advocacy committee of the Board of Inclusion Ireland. Marie and Phil talked about relationships in the workshop. People with disabilities have the right to a relationship no matter where they live.
Relationships We want to talk about relationships, the good and the bad We need to know how to stand up for ourselves in relationships and understand that if you are not happy you can walk away. Attitudes need to change towards people with extra support needs
Relationships Outdated law. Rules in disability services people never get a chance to fall in love.
Cuts to Services Adrian talked about cuts to services and how these cuts affect our choices everyday. Staff Cuts are effecting our friends and ourselves using disability services Public Accounts Committee. We are Not Going Away. We will not Be Walked over and are Citizens Of this Country Too And Should Be Treated Equally.
A Quote I will leave you with a quote : I have a disability yes that’s true. But all that really means is I may have to take a slightly different path than you.
Thank you for listening Enjoy the rest of the conference