Now What??!! Robert York, LCSW, MPA Director of Community Services Warren and Washington Counties February 8, 2013
Jeremy is AWESOME isn’t he??
Use this information locally Effective tool for educating local stakeholders and partners Read it, follow the updated versions, and USE it locally!! How, you say?
Make HAY!!! (or Lemonade!!!)
Calling all Haymakers Haymaker: One who makes hay Haymaker (slang): A powerful punch
Take advantage of this opportunity...
Making Local Hay (or Lemonade!) Stakeholder Education Planning Budgeting Policy Making Advocacy
Education Forward CLMHD documents to appropriate local stakeholders. Use the CLMHD documents to develop your own document to use locally, tailored to specific groups.
Education Consider providing budget analysis documents to: Staff Local Legislative Committee BOS/County Legislature Provider and Peer Community CSB and Subcommittees Other County Department Heads Other local stakeholders
Education: Become a resource! Stakeholders and partners are looking for this information
Planning Once stakeholders are educated, information can be incorporated into your local planning process. Information can be used with other planning partners who may not be regular subcommittee attendees. Areas of concern or mediation can be addressed through the planning process.
Planning The more stakeholders are well educated about current realities/challenges being faced, this brings focus to the planning process and contributes to stakeholder buy-in.
Budgeting Know your departmental budget---what portions/amounts are local tax $? What does this fund, specifically? What portions are state funded? Outside of your departmental budget, what other portions of the county budget may be impacted? Outside of your department, what services/providers in the community may be impacted?
Budgeting Many counties are now doing multi-year budgeting or at least are starting their budget discussions earlier in the year. Develop positive relationships with your Field Office staff at all levels. Dialogue with Field office staff regarding potential impacts to your specific SAL funding authorization.
Budgeting Gather analyses from other sources as well. Statewide trade associations, advocacy groups, the Senate and Assembly all produce budget analysis documents tailored for their constituents. Most of this is easily accessed through web searches. Rely on Conference Staff and their knowledge of potential impacts. Send inquiries if you have questions.
Budgeting You will get a sense if anything will potentially impact your current year budget, in which case you will have to develop remedial measures and alert appropriate local stakeholders. In terms of preparing next years budget, you now have a good sense of areas that may need attention. If you issue guidance to contract providers, you may incorporate information learned.
Policy Making Local and Statewide Policy can be influenced based on information learned and shared. If Legislators and CSB members are educated early on and are aware of areas of concern, opportunities for policy change are greatly enhanced.
Policy Making Use this information to make your case!
Advocacy Don’t like it?? Then, advocate for change!! If Legislators and CSB members are educated early on and are aware of areas of concern, opportunities for policy change are greatly enhanced.
Advocacy Opportunities exist for coordination of multi- stakeholder advocacy efforts. Engage and empower CSB, Subcommittees, providers, families/peers.
Advocacy Advocate with your Statewide Association. Provide feedback to CLMHD staff. Raise issues of concern/local impact.
So, Now What??!!
Go out there and make some… Hay… Or Lemonade…
Regardless of the metaphor, Make a Difference!!!