Model mod·el noun \mä-d ə l\ 1:Structural design. 2:A usually miniature representation of something; a pattern of something to be made. 3:An example for imitation or emulation. 4: A description or analogy used to help visualize something that cannot be directly observed. 1 Marla Stuart, Sonoma County,
Basic Principles Improves program planning, management, evaluation; communication; consensus-building; and fundraising Promotes evidence-based practice Is one page Has clear scope (national, statewide, coalition, agency, program, single intervention) Organizes information into a visual sequence Shows relationships; depicts how a program works to achieve its intended outcomes Presented as a flow chart, table, diagram, or graphic Has common elements 2 Marla Stuart, Sonoma County,
INPUTS Quantified Resources Money Staff Volunteers Consultants Location Partners Equipment Technology Materials Participation Participants Clients Community members Parents Youth Providers Policy makers Activities Treatment Classes Counseling Skill development Case management Curriculum design Conferences Advocacy Intermediate Actions Behavior Practice Decisions Policies System change Short-Term Learning Services Awareness Knowledge Attitudes Skills Opinions Aspirations Motivation Long-Term Conditions Human Economic Civic Environment PROBLEM STATEMENT: Why this program is needed ASSUMPTIONS/THEORIES: Literature review, evaluation, local experience ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Political, economic, social, cultural, geographic Common Elements Individuals Families Communities Organizations Systems ExpectWantHope OUTPUTS Quantified OUTCOMES Quantified and Directional
Sequence of Development Identify the need Conduct a literature review Identify evidence-based practices Identify resources and plan the program Develop the logic model content and design Obtain approvals if necessary Implement the program Evaluate the program Revise as necessary 4 Marla Stuart, Sonoma County, Involve Stakeholders!