Workshop on Labour Migration and Labour Market Information Systems February 24-25, 2009 Québec City, Canada
2 WORKSHOP OVERVIEW Ministries of Labour from 22 countries Members of COSATE and CEATAL Specialists from ILO, IOM, OAS, Inter-American Dialogue, Inter- American Conference of Social Security Four panels: (1) the global economy and labour markets in the Americas (2) labour market information in the Americas (3) labour market information in Canada (4) the challenges of managing migration and mobility.
3 WORKSHOP PURPOSE & OBJECTIVES Purpose To discuss how labour market information systems (LMIS) contribute to inform migration policies and assist in mitigating the impacts of the current global economic crisis Objectives Exchange best practices on the development of LMIS Assess the impact of migration in the context of the global economic crisis Gain broader understanding of the dynamic between labour mobility, migration and labour Share perspectives among various stakeholders
4 THE GLOBAL ECONOMY AND LABOUR MARKETS Discussions about the social and labour-related effects of global financial crisis and its impact on migrant workers Migrant workers and workers with lower qualifications could be among the most severely affected and most vulnerable sectors The crisis is leading to increased levels of precariousness, with an expansion of the informal economy and unregistered work.
5 THE GLOBAL ECONOMY AND LABOUR MARKETS Initiatives to create and preserve jobs and mitigate the effects of the crisis: Maintain or increase social protection Labour training and retraining Strengthen public employment services Assist companies at risk of employee dismissals Increase public investment in infrastructure Support micro-enterprises, SMEs and cooperatives Create/Consolidate national instances for productivity and competitiveness
6 THE GLOBAL ECONOMY AND LABOUR MARKETS Other issues: Sectors demanding greater attention are labour mobility, labour standards and free trade Best responses are developed through social dialogue Need for bilateral social security agreements to ensure transferability and portability of social security benefits Ratification of ILO and UN Conventions related to migrant workers Need for harmonization of labour migration policies among countries Regulation of migratory flows through bilateral agreements Key roles of Labour ministries
7 Strong LMI systems are crucial in designing and implementing labour market and migration policies Primary functions are to collect, analyze and disseminate information to facilitate informed decision-making. Important to incorporate data on migration trends Provide information about occupational shortages and surpluses, labour conditions and wages. Respond to the need to rely on accurate and timely information LMI IN CANADA AND THE AMERICAS
8 Challenges Produce user-friendly, timely and accurate information Inadequate financial and human resources Manage cross-agency relationships Improve collaboration between information producers Using various classification systems Adapt to new technologies Respond to new topics and information needs (e.g. green jobs) Develop customer focus and manage customers’ expectations Maintain response to surveys and reduce respondent burden Increase awareness among policy-makers and general public
9 LMI IN CANADA AND THE AMERICAS The Canadian experience: Various surveys The Canadian Occupational Projection System The National Occupational Classification Framework Internet-based resources Advisory Panel on Labour Market Information Challenge of evaluating the utility and uses of LMI The recent OAS Continuous Labour Migration Reporting System for the Americas (SICREMI) is set to become a key resource for LMI and migration data in the Americas
10 THE CHALLENGES OF MANAGING MIGRATION AND MOBILITY Basic elements for the ordered management of migration: A guiding framework (ILO Conventions) Harmonizing national laws to respond to international principles and commitments LMIS that provide relevant and up-to-date information for guiding migration policies
11 THE CHALLENGES OF MANAGING MIGRATION AND MOBILITY Issues to be addressed when formulating migration policies: Differentiate between temporary and permanent migration Address growing worldwide demand for qualified workers causing global competition for talent and brain drain Circular migration and incentives for return Labour rights of migrant workers Workers education and training Skills certification and competences Dissemination of information Social security portability
12 THE CHALLENGES OF MANAGING MIGRATION AND MOBILITY Recommendations for improving labour migration policy: Establish training and skill certification for migrant workers Enter into pension transferability agreements Reconsider foreign worker hiring quotas Gather and exchange complete core information about migrants and migratory flows Exchange best practices for implementing temporary migrant worker programs
13 CONCLUDING REMARKS Rich hemispheric exchanges were held on labour migration, labour market information systems, and the repercussions of the current economic crisis. Participants recognized that social dialogue (tripartite: governments, and employers’ and workers’ organizations) and regional ties are essential for tackling the current crisis and defining what actions should be taken. Further information on the OAS Website: