Refugee reception in Quebec and health care National Resettlement Assistance Program Conference Vancouver, February 2007
2 Refugee reception in Quebec Under the 1991 Canada-Quebec Accord, Quebec has the responsibility for the selection, linguistic, social and economic integration of permanent residents in Quebec. More specifically, it determines the number of immigrants it wishes to accept, selects applicants and administers sponsorship agreements.
9 Refugee reception in Quebec Each year, Quebec, along with the federal government, determines the number and provenance of refugees that will be admitted into Quebec and taken charge of by the government (government-assisted refugees). Pool identification criteria: – Quebec priority for francophone immigration – Refugees’ need for protection – Chances of remaining in Quebec – Targeted clientele’s capacity for integration
11 Refugee reception in Quebec
Refugee reception in Quebec Health care needs Recent years have seen a growing need for health care among refugees, often immediately on their arrival. At the request of community organizations working with this population, discussions on refugee health were held in May 2006.
Refugee reception in Quebec Health care needs The following five categories of problems were identified during these meetings: – Problems arising from the refugee’s circumstances – Problems relating to reception conditions – Problems respecting communication and consultation tools – Problems stemming from concerned organizations’ capacity to act – Health care access
Refugee reception in Quebec Health care needs An interdepartmental committee on the reception and settlement of government- assisted refugees set up in January 2006 is responsible for follow up on the recommendations resulting from these discussions.
Refugee reception in Quebec Health care needs Solutions: To review the overall health of all government-assisted refugees admitted to Quebec within three months after their arrival. To ensure a cultural interpreter is available to assist in preparing this review. To appoint a staff member at each health and social services centre (CSSS) to be responsible for government-assisted refugees. To promote information exchange by developing an intranet forum that could also be accessible to stakeholders within host organizations. To continue training on intercultural relations and refugees’ challenges for health care and social service workers.
Refugee reception in Quebec Health care needs General considerations The organisation of care may differ from one region to another; no specific model has been developed. Each region will respond according to its own service organization approach. – One option would be to establish closer ties with travellers’ clinics. – Partnership with host organizations is also encouraged.
Refugee reception in Quebec Health care needs The primary objective is to improve the overall health of government-assisted refugees. The following steps are recommended: – To develop a summary assessment of the overall health of each refugee – To speedily detect health problems of immigrants and their families in order to protect them and the general public, mainly in relation to infectious diseases – To update the vaccination records of immigrant children to ensure their vaccination needs are appropriately monitored – To help refugees navigate the health care system
Refugee reception in Quebec Health care needs The secondary objectives are: – To support health care and social service professionals in developing the appropriate skills and promote knowledge transfer – To promote successful clinical intervention by reducing language and cultural barriers – To support community organizations working with new arrivals when their clientele requires health care services – To document health care and social service needs for government-assisted refugees
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