Why “organise”? Karina Ufert European Students’ Union, Chairperson.


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Presentation transcript:

Why “organise”? Karina Ufert European Students’ Union, Chairperson

Why organise? 17 th October 1982: Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden, Iceland, France, Denmark and Austria created Western European Students Information Bureau (WESIB) Aims: Coordinate the flow of information between the union members and international bodies, like UNESCO, Council of Europe

Why organise? Political changes in Eastern Europe (80-90ies) – “Iron curtain” goes down WESIB becomes ESIB (European Student Information Bureau) in 1990 Membership: from 16 in 1990 to 31 in 1992! First policy papers – Human Rights and Democracy, Equal Opportunities

The rise of Bologna… In 1999, 29 Ministers signed so-called Bologna declaration, calling for establishment of the… European Higher Education Area (EHEA), to ensure comparable, compatible and coherent systems of Higher education in Europe But without students.

ESIB responds: Already in 2001 – reference to “students as competent and constructive partners” In 2003 ESIB present at Ministerial Conference, presenting students’ view on Bologna process In 2005 ESG are presented and adopted by the Ministers In 2007 ESIB becomes ESU – what does it mean?

ESU as a “political animal”

Focus: European framework on higher education Bologna process ET2020

Paradigms in higher education Bologna process: Enhance mobility and cooperation Strengthen European integration based on common principles Public good (social dialogue) ET2020 (earlier 2010): Enhancing competitiveness of EU through knowledge-based society Response to economic needs (highly-skilled individuals) Efficiency Funding through EU budget

Europe: driving forces Quality assurance – European standards and guidelines (currently under revision) EU funds – Lifelong learning programme, including ERASMUS Rest is difficult to capture – Ministerial communiqués, Director general declarations, Council conclusions, Commission staff papers, European Parliament reports… For example, did you know that tuition fees enhance equity?

ESU: actions European level – influence the framework: Act through mass media to emphasise core policy lines, such as access to higher education, more funding for higher education Set the agenda – ESU co- chairing Social dimension working group Encourage discussions on sensitive issues: Loan scheme Influence politics on EU level (EP elections 2014?) Stakeholder or lobbyist? National level – support implementation: Information provision and communication to NUS (47) Creating space for sharing practices Capacity building (also through enhancement visits) Communication to the national media Empowerment for a constructive dialogue with decision-makers

ESU in 2013: Final negotiations on Erasmus for all (and the loan scheme) ESG revision – draft from E4 group to BFUG Council conclusions on Equity (tackling drop-out rates) Agenda for Social dimension working group Interactive platform on funding of HE in Europe, advocacy tools, trainings “Constructing” employability – training for NUS Looking for alternative means to support degree mobility (Nordic compensation scheme?)

ESU has… Access to information Access to decision-makers Access to mass media (IHT, The Times, The Economist, University World News, etc.) 10 elected reps (and 3 coordinators) Office in Brussels (7 employees) 47 national unions in 38 countries Together we need to find, how to use it for the needs of students.