02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June 20141 Markus J. Prutsch European Parliament European Education Policies and the New Erasmus+ Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June Markus J. Prutsch European Parliament European Education Policies and the New Erasmus+ Programme

Delegation Visit2 Structure of Presentation 1.European (Higher) Education Policies 2.The Erasmus+ Programme 3.Outlook Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June /06/2014

Briefing DG TRAD, Policy Sector B3 1. European (Higher) Education Policies Competences of the European Union (I) “the Community shall contribute to the development of quality education by encouraging cooperation between Member States and, if necessary, by supporting and supplementing their action, while fully respecting the responsibility of the Member States for the content of teaching and the organisation of education systems and their cultural and linguistic diversity.” Treaty on European Union (1992), Title VIII, Art. 126(1) 3Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June /06/2014

Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June European (Higher) Education Policies Competences of the European Union (II)  Subsidiarity principle  EU mainly in a supporting and partly coordinating capacity  Harmonisation of national laws explicitly excluded  Potentially greater role of the EU since the Lisbon Treaty →“Social Clause”

Briefing DG TRAD, Policy Sector B5 1. European (Higher) Education Policies Competences of the European Union (III) “in defining and implementing its policies and actions, the Union shall take into account requirements linked to the promotion of [...] a high level of education [and] training” Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), Title II, Art. 9 5Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June /06/2014

Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June European (Higher) Education Policies Objectives Pursuant to the TFEU (I)  Developing a European dimension in education;  Encouraging mobility of students and teachers, by encouraging, inter alia, the academic recognition of diplomas and periods of study;  Promoting cooperation between educational establishments;

02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June European (Higher) Education Policies Objectives Pursuant to the TFEU (II)  Developing exchanges of information and experience on issues common to the education systems of Member States; and  Encouraging the development of distance education.

02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June European (Higher) Education Policies Europe 2020 Strategy (2010) – Targets 1)Employment 2)R&D 3)Climate change and energy 4)Education Reducing the rate of early school leavers to below 10% At least 40% of year-olds completing tertiary or similar education programmes 5)Poverty and social exclusion

02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June European (Higher) Education Policies ET 2020 Strategic Framework (2009) (I)  Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality;  Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training;  Promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship;  Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.

02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June European (Higher) Education Policies ET 2020 Strategic Framework (2009) (II) 1)At least 95% of children (from 4 to compulsory school age) should participate in early childhood education; 2)fewer than 15% of 15-year-olds should be under-skilled in reading, mathematics and science; 3)fewer than 10% of young people should drop out of education and training; 4)at least 40% of people aged should have completed some form of higher education;

02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June European (Higher) Education Policies ET 2020 Strategic Framework (2009) (III) 5)at least 15% of adults should participate in lifelong learning; 6)at least 20% of higher education graduates and 6% of year-olds with an initial vocational qualification should have spent some time studying or training abroad; 7)the share of employed graduates (20-34 year-olds having successfully completed upper secondary or tertiary education) having left education 1-3 years ago should be at least 82%.

02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June European (Higher) Education Policies EU Priorities for Higher Education: 1)increasing the number of higher education graduates; 2)improving the quality and relevance of teaching and learning; 3)promoting mobility of students and staff and cross- border cooperation; 4)strengthening the "knowledge triangle", linking education, research, and business; 5)creating effective governance and funding mechanisms for higher education.

02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June European (Higher) Education Policies Statistical Data: page/portal/education/introduction

02/06/2014 Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June The Erasmus+ Programme (I)

02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June The Erasmus+ Programme (II) Central Features:  Time period:  One single Programme:  Higher education (Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus and bilateral programmes)  School education (Comenius)  Vocational education and training (Leonardo da Vinci)  Adult education (Grundtvig)  Youth (Youth in Action)  European Integration studies (Jean Monnet)  Grassroots sport

Briefing DG TRAD, Policy Sector B16 2. The Erasmus+ Programme (III) Underlying Key Objective: “to help citizens acquire more and better skills, enhance the quality of teaching in educational institutions both in the EU and beyond, support Member States and non-EU partner countries in modernising their education and training systems and making them more innovative, and promote youth participation in society as well as the construction of a European dimension to grassroots sports.” COM(2011) 787 final, p. 2 16Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June /06/2014

Briefing DG TRAD, Policy Sector B17 2. The Erasmus+ Programme (IV) Key Actions: 17Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June 2014 Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals Staff Students and learners Youth European-level loan guarantee scheme Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and good practices Strategic Partnerships Knowledge and Sector Skills Alliances IT Support Platforms Cooperation projects with third countries Action 3: Support for policy reform 02/06/2014

Briefing DG TRAD, Policy Sector B18 2. The Erasmus+ Programme (V) Range and Budget:  4m individuals expected to benefit from mobility opportunities over the period  2m higher education students, including approx. 200,000 benefitting from the new student loan guarantee facility  800,000 teachers, trainers, other education/training staff or youth workers  Overall budget for : EUR billion (in current prices) 18Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June /06/2014

Briefing DG TRAD, Policy Sector B19 2. The Erasmus+ Programme (V) Erasmus+ Student Loan Guarantee:  In cooperation with the EIB  New action to support students doing a full Master’s abroad →neither country of residence, nor country of Bachelor degree  Operational in summer 2014  Loans up to 12,000 EUR (one-year)/18,000 EUR (two-year programme)  No collateral to be provided  Interest lower than market rate due to EU guarantee  Favourable repayment terms 19Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June /06/2014

Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June Conclusions  Increasing importance of (higher) education policies  Efforts to respond to rapidly changing global environment  Efforts to facilitate and broaden access to EU education initiatives for citizens  Discernible weaknesses:  Creating unrealistic expectations  Prevalence of administrative and managerial considerations  Usability of Erasmus+ as yet unclear

02/06/2014Nordiska Konferensen - Stockholm, 1-3 June Thank you for your attention Contact: