An Inspector Calls (or a CHI Review) Liz Hegarty Director (of Clinical Governance North Tees TPCT) & Critic (CHI Reviewer)
Casting and Pre-rehearsal Director of the Show (the role of the Co-ordinator) Preparing the Script ( baseline questionnaire & evidence ) Publicity (raising awareness) –The Players PCT staff Practice Clinical Governance Leads Contractors Board & executive committee –Leaflet –Scenarios –TIP - Start and develop lists of contractors, stakeholders, media contacts, venues (that CHI can use for their stakeholder events) and ethnic minority groups in your area as now, as CHI will want them within a week of notifying you of the date of the visit
Dress Rehearsal or Phase 1 Notice of a review Support - including Project Manager Clear structure Raising awareness: –Regular newsletters –Baseline questionnaire –Documentation gathering TIP: Appoint someone to be in charge of documentation to ensure absolute clarity about final versions of documents sent to CHI - so the most up to date version is sent and keep a log.
Getting the show on the road Project Management 2 main documents i) Project Plan (GANTT chart) ii) Timetable for Visit
GANTT Chart example…
Dress Rehearsal (cont) GP practices and other contractors receive questionnaires GPs asked to send out a letter to a number of their patients who have accessed services provided by the PCT in the last six months. Staff questionnaire
On with the show! Phase 2 Pre-visit Reviewer and analyst are key –relationship/communication –they may not understand PCTs (definitely will not understand yours) Stakeholder meetings Preliminary feedback meeting Review week Tip: Take it seriously
The Reviews and Action Phase 3 Draft report Report published Action Planning Phase 4 Implementation of action plan and monitoring by SHA Lessons learnt TIP: Challenge anything you think is wrong in the report