Leading 21 st Century Schools Victoria: engage with Asia project
Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians Goal 1 Equity and Excellence: schooling contributes to a socially cohesive society Goal 2 Successful learners: able to make sense of their world Confident and creative individuals: have a sense of self worth and identity; relate well to others Active and informed citizens: appreciate Australia’s social, cultural and linguistic diversity; communicate across cultures especially Asia; act as responsible global and local citizens
Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians ‘India, China and other Asian nations are growing and their influence on the world is increasing. Australians need to become ‘Asia literate’, engaging and building stronger relationships with Asia…’
Australian Curriculum General capabilities –Includes Intercultural Understanding Cross curriculum priorities –Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia –Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders –Sustainability The priorities are about what all Australian students should know and understand about the country they live in, to be able to function in it and effectively in the world as Australians. A national focus through understanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander priority A regional focus through engaging with Asia A global focus through learning about sustainability
Global and Multicultural Citizenship programs
Asia skills? Asia literacy? Asia skills film clips Asia skills film clips
NALSSP – National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Funding Strategic Collaboration and Partnership Fund available to organisations, including universities, higher education providers, businesses and Asian communitiesStrategic Collaboration and Partnership Fund Becoming Asia Literate: Grants to schools – A direct outreach program of grants to schools run by the Asia Education Foundation.Becoming Asia Literate: Grants to schoolsAsia Education Foundation Australian Government National Projects for state and territory government and non-government education authorities
Studies of Asia projects within NALSSP ICT Professional Learning Programs Study Tours for Principals and Teachers Teacher Qualifications upgrade Graduate Certificate or Masters Education (studies of Asia) Building Sustainable Asia-literate schools L21CSV Principals project
Leading 21 st Century Schools Victoria – L21CSV Victorian Partners: Government DEECD, VASSP, VPA Independent AISV, AHISA, IPSHA, JSHA Catholic CECV, PAVCSS, VACPSP, VIEU – CPPA Principals Australia ASPA, APPA, AHISA, CaSPA and Asia Education Foundation
L21CSV– a national program, now expanded in Victoria AIMS: To support principals in whole school change To support teachers to develop an Asia inclusive curriculum. To equip students with knowledge about the people and countries of the Asian region and the intercultural skills that will assist them to fully participate in the ‘Asian century’.
L21CSV– engage with Asia HOW: An overnight fully funded principals’ forum Funds for teacher release, planning and resources High quality teaching resources Priority access to a range of professional development programs for teachers.
L21CSV– engage with Asia WHAT: $ Toolkit of resources DVD Networks Quality teaching resources Consultant advice Priority to PD and study tours Online help
L21CSV– Progress so far 2009 Schools85 Teachers4352 Students TOTAL % - a significant increase in support for SOA 90% - a dramatic increase in teacher expertise 90% - produced positive attitudes in school community to an Asian LOTE
Curriculum Development
Student Learning in relation to SOA
Global and regionally-engaged Asia-literate young Australians
Resources and opportunities for Studies of Asia PD PD Wikisites : general and unitsgeneralunits Wikisites : general and unitsgeneralunits
Features of an Asia-literate school 4 An Asia Literate school can be summarised as: - The school community acknowledges the place of the Studies of Asia and Australia (SOAA) in the school documents and has a policy of incorporating these studies across learning areas in accordance with the National Statement on Engaging Young Australians with the Studies of Asia in Australian schools. POLICY *Audit curriculum, resources and staff to identify baseline and identify areas for improvement. *School action plan being developed by an interested group of educators using the National Statement as a guide. *There is a school action plan to implement the SOAA as set out in the national statement and it is being implemented. CURRICULUM SOAA is delivered in small, occasional unrelated tasks. SOAA occur in some learning areas presented through various topics. SOAA are sequential and inter-related with multiple entry points for students. The curriculum has some Asian content or stand-alone Asian studies. SOAA is found in several learning areas and year levels. The curriculum reflects the integrated scope & sequence of SOAA across the learning areas and the year levels. IMPLEMENTATION Some teachers working in an isolated approach in some learning areas or across the curriculum. Some teachers working together in learning areas or year levels across the curriculum or year levels. There is a team commitment to a whole school, across the curriculum approach to the SOAA. STUDENT OUTCOMES Student learning is typically around food, flags, festivals and folktales of Asia. Student learning develops positive values, attitudes and skills enabling them to develop intercultural understandings of and about Asia. Student learning involves deep and rich learning tasks and intercultural understandings.
Contact: Lindy Stirling