24/04/ Optimization of the prescription in collaboration with the physician: the role of the clinical pharmacist CLINICAMP IV
24/04/ What will it be all about ? A few slides to introduce the topic … (not a conference !) Interactive discussion over the main points of interests to the participants, to identify where can the clinical phamacist be active and efficient in collaboaration with the physicians which are the favouring conditions which are the difficulties and bottlenecks Obtaining the most important "Take Home Messages" CLINICAMP IV
24/04/ Who are we? Morning session: Celine Vanwetter, Pharmacist, Grand Hôpital de Charleroi Ludo Willems, Hospital Pharmacist, UZ Gashuisberg Jean-Daniel Hecq, Hospital Pharmacist, CHU Dinant-Mont-Godinne Paul M. Tulkens, MD, Université catholique de Louvain Afternoon session Celine Vanwetter, Pharmacist, Grand Hôpital de Charleroi Benoit Boland, MD, Cliniques St-Luc, Bruxelles Nele Vermeulen, Pharmacist, O.L.Vrouw, Aalst Paul M. Tulkens, MD, Université catholique de Louvain CLINICAMP IV
24/04/ Why should MDs and pharmacists talk together ? The MD is responsible for the patient, for the diagnostic, and for the main decision(s) of the type of treatment The Pharmacist has the knowledge of the drugs and should deliver therapy and not only drugs… Together, they can improve the treatment of the patient if The MD is convinced that he/she will get an expert opinion from the pharmacist The pharmacist understands the clinical situation and the clinical choices that are applicable to the individual patient CLINICAMP IV
24/04/ What can the clinical pharmacist bring to the team ? Knowledge of the drugs (old as well as novel …) what about the pathology of the patient ? which class of drugs, which mode of administration, which advantages and disadvantages, which available generics, … what about guidelines (local, national, international) for first lien treatments and for alternatives… Knowledge of pharmacokinetics for optimization of use loading dose, schedule of administration (once daily / continuous infusion …), monitoring, dose adaptation, … Knowledge of interactions (drug-drug, drug-food) and risks to individual patients Practical knowledge of administration routes and procedures (including route switches) Access to consumption data and assessment of actual use vs. what is recommended in guidelines (audits) Price and other economical aspects (the best for your money) CLINICAMP IV
24/04/ An algorithm of pharmacist activities welcomed by MDs CLINICAMP IV Know how to do a correct and useful medication history … but perhaps even more (e.g. intervene to optimize the chronic therapy)
24/04/ An algorithm of pharmacist activities welcomed by MDs CLINICAMP IV Base you pharmaceutical opinion on undisputable evidence !
24/04/ Evidence-based medicine is not only for the Minister… CLINICAMP IV Base you pharmaceutical opinion on undisputable evidence
24/04/ An algorithm of pharmacist activities welcomed by MDs CLINICAMP IV The good patient is the one that leaves the hospital not to come back ! medical
24/04/ Other involvements of a pharmacist Electronic / Paper files: write your pharmaceutical opinion Local formulary (intranet): participate and deliver: Product information Guidelines: empirical, documented and prophylactic treatment START/STOPP of drugs (e.g., geriatry) Susceptibility-based rational choices (e.g., antibiotics) Helping in declarations of side-effects (e.g., all new drugs) Technical information for therapy administration (all drugs) Potential savings (for Social Security as well as for patients). Presence to answer questions (the doctor does not wait !) CLINICAMP IV
24/04/ Now, let us start the Discussion … What are you doing and do it well ? What are your interactions with the young doctors … the older doctors … the nurses … the formulary committee (CPM/MFC) the medical direction … Your colleagues at the central pharmacy … What are your problems ? What could / should be improved ? How can the SPF/FOD help ? CLINICAMP IV