Drugs as Medicines Coach Graner Health Class Notes
1. Prescription medicines can be dangerous if not taken properly. 2. The effect of drugs depends on why a person takes that drug? 3. The action of a drug depends on whether it is taken with meals. 4. People who drink alcohol often need higher doses of certain drugs than other people.
5. Generic Drugs are exactly the same as their brand name drugs….only cheaper! 6. Drug companies can produce drugs and sell them to the public without approval. 7. Over the counter drugs can be bought by anyone. 8. Drug misuse is when a person takes a drug for its designed purpose but, that drug does not work.
Drugs – Substances taken into the body that change one or more of the bodies functions. Medicines – Drugs used to help cure, lessen the effect, relieve, or prevent diseases. Inflammation – Pain and or swelling caused by irritation. Aspirin – Drug the relieves the pain or swelling and lowers fever. Reyes Syndrome – When aspirin is given to a person with chicken pox it can cause a person to have brain damage or liver failure.
Preventive – Vaccines are used to create immunities to diseases Cure – Certain medicines like penicillin kill off bacterial infections Relieve – Lesson pain or swelling or allow body to function.
Preventative Medicines Medicines that Cure Medicines that Relieve
When a person uses a drug for a purpose a lot of times that drug also produces undesirable effects as well.
Name as many different side effects as you can
Swallowed – Liquids, Pills, Capsules Injected – Fluid goes into blood stream Inhaled – absorbed into blood stream Transdermal – Absorbed through the skin
Tolerance – when a user needs larger amounts of the drug to get the necessary effects. Addiction – Physical or Psychological craving for higher and higher amounts of a drug. Drug Synergy – Combination of the action two or more drugs. Making the drugs to act differently than the intention of why drug was used. Antagonist Drugs- Drug that opposes the action of another drug
1. What are some side effects of cold medicines? 2. Write an example for types of medicines used for each form of drug usage Inhaled Injected Swallowed Transdermal
FDA – Food and Drug Administration Government agency that makes sure that all drugs are “SAFE” and “Effective” for the general public. They also continue to monitor drugs after they are on the market.
SAFE Causing no undue harm; part of the legal requirement for a drug. EFFECTIVE Having the medically intended effect. (Does what it is supposed to do)
Dose – the amount of drug taken. This includes times per day, amount of medicine in each serving. Height, Weight, Age and Gender along with other drugs being taken will determine the dose! Lethal Dose – amount of drug necessary to produce death
Antibiotics – Drugs used to kill off bacteria Anesthetics – Drugs that kill/dull pain; can be where a person is unconscious or conscious. Local Anesthetic – Person is conscious during procedure.
Over the counter drugs OTC Drugs that are legally available without a prescription Self diagnose to get desired results. Under the counter also known as: Prescription Drugs – Need a physicians prescription to get the drug from a pharmacy. Dosage is determined based on age, weight, gender, and other drugs taking at that time.
Brand Name Drugs name given by the developer/drug company More expensive to buy Generic Name Chemical name of the drugs (Active Drug Name). Less expensive to buy
Active Ingredient The Ingredient that is in both Generic and Non- Generic Drugs It is what produces the drugs desired effects Inactive Ingredient These can give medicines qualities other than medical effects. Examples can be: Oils, Colors, Water, Waxes, flavorings
Only can be prescribed through a physician because: May be dangerous; easily misused Doses must be in line with weight, age, gender, other drug usage Require guidance to use them correctly Can be abused or addicted too, or have serious side effects.
1) When I have an ailment. I do not go streight to the drug store. First I ask myself honestly if theres a lifestyle change I need to make, such as getting more sleep, eating better or excercing more. If so I make the change 4 points if yes
If I have an ailment that I think would respond to an OTC medicine. I first consult a medical book or pharmacist to confirm my suspicions. 3 POINTS
I buy only the medicines I need to relieve my symptoms (example cough suppressant and not a inflammation reliever) for a cough. 3 Points
I read drug labels and buy based on chemical names not the brand names 3 points
In taking medicines. I read their labels and follow directions as to dose, timing, and duration. 3 Points
I do not overbuy, and I throw away drugs after their expiration dates have passed. 2 Points
Before taking 2 or more drugs at the same time I check with my health care provider to be sure it is safe to do so 3 points
If my symptoms persist, I see a health care provider/professional. 2 points
Add up your points (yes answers are the only way to score points) 23 – Perfect score! You are a wise user in OTC Very Good – you make good choices Not so Good – you could be harming yourself or wasting money 12 and under – Improvement needed. Attempt to educate yourself better before using OTC
Name of your condition Names of prescribed meds you are taking Are there generic drugs that can be taken How often, how long, and what doses should you take the medicine Side Effects to expect What should you do if you miss a dose