FY06 Environmental Business Plan (Site Environment) Contents Relations to each Documents Targets for Sites’ operation in FY2010 Allotted Target Concept Energy PFCs Waste Water Chemical Substance Summary January 16, 2006 Safety Division, Corporate Workplace Solution Corporate Social & Environmental Affairs
Relations to each Documents Environmental Vision GM BU/Sites Mid- Term Budget Plan - NC Business Plan - Philosophy (ideal world) - Basic Approach - Mid-term target based on Environmental Vision - Setting target and measure in relation to Sony Group as a whole Environmental mid-term and business Plan 4.2: Environmental Policy Point 4.3.3: Objectives, Targets and Programs GEMS(ISO14001) - Mid-term Environmental plan based on GM2010 (issued to BU and sites, etc.) Environmental mid-term and business plan states more specific targets than the GM2010. It assumes that this plan is issued prior to creating the mid-term plan of each business unit, and will be issued by HQ environment- related organizations every year starting from This point is also clearly stated in “ Environmental Management Structure (GEMS-201E).”
Resource Reduction of Waste FY2000: base (280,000 t) FY2004: - 24% FY2010: - 40 % Waste Recycle rate FY2000: WW:80% FY2004: WW:88% FY2010: WW:95%/Japan:99% Targets for Sites ’ operation in FY2010 Chemical Substances (VOC release) FY2000: base (1,570 t) FY2004 :- 35% FY2010: - 40% Soil/Ground water Reduction in contamination risk Regular monitoring CO 2 VOC Realization of clean and credible sites for local communities by achieving top-level environmental performance through highly efficient operation. Reduction of greenhouse gases in all areas as a socially responsible global company. Water FY2000: base(28.6 million t) FY2004: - 18% FY2010: - 20% Sony Sites PFCs (CO2) FY2000: base (280,000 t) FY2004: - 24% FY2010: - 50% Energy (CO2) FY2000: base (1,880,000 t) FY2004: - 0% FY2010: - 1%
Allotted Targets Concept Energy PFCs Waste Water Chemical Substance
Allotted Target: Concept Baseline Although GM2010 baseline year is FY2000, we set the baseline year of environmental impact reduction activities to FY2004. Considering of business increase and decrease We consider production strategies to FY2010 such as production increase and decrease and estimate the environmental impact at FY2010 that we do not take any environmental measures. Reduction target by taking environmental measures We set the reduction target by taking environmental measures according to industry benchmark, internal research and so on. (Sony group total target) Allotted Target: We set the allotted target to each business unit and site according to their business plan, possibilities of environmental measures and so on. Each business unit and site shall make own environmental plan from FY2006 to FY2010 in order to achieve its allotted target. In principle, it is prohibited to postpone implementing all environmental measures to the last fiscal year.
Allotted Target: Energy BU/Site Allotted Target (Environmental Measure) Component Gp. TTL - 29,000 t-CO2 Semiconductor Gp. TTL - 20,000 t-CO2 EMCS-J TTL Quantity of 4% of FY2004 emission SDAD TTL Quantity of 4% of FY2004 emission Atsugi, Sendai TEC Quantity of 4% of FY2004 emission Each overseas manufacturing site Quantity of 4% of FY2004 emission Each non- manufacturing site Set each own target Measures: Energy source conversion, facility renewal, etc. Itemt-CO2Comment (1)Target total emission amount in FY2010 1,865,000GM2010 target: - 1% compared with FY2000 (2)Estimation of total emission amount in FY2010 1,940,000Consider business increase and decrease (no environmental measures taken) (3)Reduction target for environmental measures=(2)- (1) - 75,000Environmental measures taken to FY2010 including FY2005 estimation Nearly equal to 4% of total emission of FY04 (1,880,000t) Sony Total TargetsIndividual allotted target
Allotted Target: PFCs BU/Site Allotted Target (Environmental Measure) Component Gp. TTL TTL emission in FY2010: 16,000 t / - 8,000 t compared with FY2004 Semiconductor Gp. TTL TTL emission in FY2010: 124,000 t / -58,000 t compared with FY2004 EMCS-J TTLNot applicable SDAD TTLNot applicable Atsugi, Sendai TEC Not applicable Each overseas manufacturing site Not applicable Each non- manufacturing site Not applicable Itemt-CO2Comment Target total emission amount in FY ,000GM2010 target: - 50% compared with FY2000 Reduction target for FY ,000Compared with FY2004 (206,000t ) Sony Total TargetsIndividual allotted target
Allotted Target: Wastes BU/Site Allotted Target (Environmental Measure) Component Gp. TTL Quantity of 10% of FY2004 generation Semiconductor Gp. TTL Quantity of 10% of FY2004 generation EMCS-J TTL Quantity of 10% of FY2004 generation SDAD TTL Quantity of 10% of FY2004 generation Atsugi, Sendai TEC Quantity of 10% of FY2004 generation Each overseas manufacturing site Quantity of 10% of FY2004 generation Each non- manufacturing site Quantity of 10% of FY2004 generation ItemtComment (1)Target total generation amount in FY ,000GM2010 target: - 40% compared with FY2000 (2)Estimation of total generation amount in FY ,000Consider business increase and decrease (no environmental measures taken) (3)Reduction target for environmental measures=(2)- (1) - 18,000Environmental measures taken to FY2010 including FY2005 estimation Nearly equal to 8.4% of total emission of FY04 (215,000t) Sony Total TargetsIndividual allotted target
Allotted Target: Water BU/Site Allotted Target (Environmental Measure) Component Gp. TTL Quantity of 20% of FY2004 purchased or drawn Semiconductor Gp. TTL Quantity of 25% of FY2004 purchased or drawn EMCS-J TTL Quantity of 5% of FY2004 purchased or drawn SDAD TTL Quantity of 5% of FY2004 purchased or drawn Atsugi, Sendai TEC Quantity of 5% of FY2004 purchased or drawn Each overseas manufacturing site Quantity of 5% of FY2004 purchased or drawn Each non- manufacturing site Quantity of 5% of FY2004 purchased or drawn ItemtComment (1)Target total purchased or drawn amount in FY ,900,000GM2010 target: - 40% compared with FY2000 (2)Estimation of total purchased or drawn amount in FY ,200,000Consider business increase and decrease (no environmental measures taken) (3)Reduction target for environmental measures=(2)- (1) -3,300,000Environmental measures taken to FY2010 including FY2005 estimation Nearly equal to 14.2% of total emission of FY04 (23,250,000t) Sony Total TargetsIndividual allotted target
Allotted Target: Chemical Substances (VOC) BU/Site Allotted Target (Environmental Measure) Component Gp. TTL TTL emission in FY2010: 471t / - 52t compared with FY2004 Semiconductor Gp. TTL TTL emission in FY2010: 143t / - 16t compared with FY2004 EMCS-J TTL SDAD TTL Atsugi, Sendai TEC Each overseas manufacturing site Each non- manufacturing site Itemt-CO2Comment Target total emission amount in FY GM2010 target: - 40% compared with FY2000 Reduction target for FY Compared with FY2004 (1016t) Set each own target where use VOC Sony Total TargetsIndividual allotted target
Summary Please submit your plan as one of your environmental business plan according to the letter “FY2006 Environmental Business Plan”(CSEA E) Please make 5 year plan to FY2010 wherever possible. Please include business plan which may effect environmental impact. Please include site related environmental plan other than energy saving, PFCs, wastes, water, chemical substances described at GM2010. No specific submission format is prepared. Following table is an example. 5 year PlanAnnual PlanComments Energy PFCs Waste Water Chemical Substances (VOC) Other targets