Quality and Outcomes Framework Assessor Training Skills in note-making, summarising and report writing Module S5
To emphasise the importance of making accurate and relevant notes To emphasise the importance of writing well constructed reports To highlight the information to include in a report Aims of the Module
It is extremely difficult to get an accurate picture of a practice in a short space of time You cannot return later if you discover you cannot understand your notes If a report is inaccurate it creates a bad impression and is more likely to be challenged Once your report has gone off it is very difficult to correct mistakes Key points
Make detailed notes throughout your visit Record the background facts Write down what you hear or see – not your own interpretation Summarise what you think you heard by reflecting it back Ask to see the evidence – notes, registers etc. Making notes
Flag up key points in the margin If you subsequently cant understand what youve written go back and check it out Check that you have identified all key areas against the new contract documentation Making notes
Ask the facilitator questions about their job. Make detailed notes of the questions asked and responses given. Note making exercise
Report writing is an acquired skill Decide at the beginning of the visit who will write the report Include all relevant facts in the report State evidence not your impressions Ensure language used in the report is clear and unambiguous – avoid jargon Follow the suggested framework to ensure everything is covered Writing a report
Introduction (details of visit e.g. when, where and who was involved) List information used during the pre-visit analysis List domains and indicators sampled during the visit Assess likely achievement, together with comparison to aspiration Review any issues in each of the domains, noting action required Highlight areas of success Highlight areas of risk or where further action is needed Summarise action points agreed by the contractor and the PCT Detail any data quality remedial plan deemed necessary Describe the contractors aspirations for the following year Report – suggested framework
Write the report as soon after the visit as possible Quality check the report - pass it round the assessment team for feedback (e.g. on clarity, evidence-based) Be aware of reporting timeframes If the contractor doesnt like your conclusions they are likely to scrutinise every aspect Final points on report writing