DEVELOPING THE PRIMARY CARE WORKFORCE Helen Broadbent Director of Modernisation and OD Bradford South & West PCT
All sorted….. Workforce LDP HR in the NHS Plan Liberating the Talents Primary Care Workforce Planning Framework etc etc etc JDI
Our objective is to liberate the talents and skills of all the workforce so that every patient gets the right care in the right place at the right time GMS/PMS contract Developing new services 10 key roles for nursing Valuing generalists Integration across boundaries There is an ambitious vision of what primary care will look like in the future – delivering fast, convenient, integrated and high quality services Primary Care Trusts can ill afford not to harness and develop the skills of this workforce Developing specialist roles
So what are we doing exactly Do we know what the primary care workforce is? Do we know what we want it to be? Do we know how were going to get from A to B Can we accept that A to B is not a linear process and learn to live with that
The Primary Care Workforce Patients Voluntary and Community Sector Admin, clerical and management staff Unqualified health care staff Nurses Doctors AHPs Dentists Pharmacists Opticians Dental Nurses Pharmacy technicians Counter Assistants Dispensing technicians etc etc etc
Knowing a bit more about A Recruitment and retention The market Sickness, stress, morale, motivation Efficiency Diversity Safety and risk History Culture and environment
So where is B Service strategies and plans OD plan Efficiency Vision Best practices A from another perspective
B in terms of the workforce Specialist roles Generalist roles Skill mix More and different leaders Empowerment Highly trained and appropriately skilled Safe and effective Efficient Attitude and behaviour
A to B Do not develop the workforce in isolation Try a bit of over supply (for a change) Take risks Culture, style, leadership …… provide the fertile soil to grow the new workforce Engage
A few examples Staff Nurse development programme District Nursing and Health Visiting Health Care Assistants Pathways to Health GPwSI NwSI Nurse Practitioners – specialist roles
And finally Dont expect to get it right all the time Dont worry too much about what right is Its not a science Take risks (lots of them) Small changes Be driven by some need but dont wait for everything to line up before you do something