I (agree/disagree) that… (Your Name) Spring Semester 2015
Delete this slide when you are do0ne with your project. Here’s a guide to help you along with your slides: Introduction Begin with an interesting quotation related to your opinion about - End the Intro paragraph with your thesis statement: Even though, because and. Each Section or main point: Topic of the body thesis: - Find evidence - like facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back it up or support the topic sentence of this section. - Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence Another example that shows that is... - Find more evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back it up or support the topic sentence of this section. - Explain how this second piece of evidence supports the topic sentence. Conclusion So it is clear that although, for two main reasons. First,. But most importantly,. - Now you will return to your opening attention-getter from the introduction - Then end your speech with a powerful So What? statement.
Use the 6x6 rule…no more than 6 bullets per page & 6 words per bullet! Extra information that you will talk about per bullet should be added below in the “notes” section.
Use the 6x6 rule…no more than 6 bullets per page & 6 words per bullet! Extra information that you will talk about per bullet should be added below in the “notes” section.
Use the 6x6 rule…no more than 6 bullets per page & 6 words per bullet! Extra information that you will talk about per bullet should be added below in the “notes” section.
Use the 6x6 rule…no more than 6 bullets per page & 6 words per bullet! Extra information that you will talk about per bullet should be added below in the “notes” section.
Use the 6x6 rule…no more than 6 bullets per page & 6 words per bullet! Extra information that you will talk about per bullet should be added below in the “notes” section.
Use the 6x6 rule…no more than 6 bullets per page & 6 words per bullet! Extra information that you will talk about per bullet should be added below in the “notes” section.
Use the 6x6 rule…no more than 6 bullets per page & 6 words per bullet! Extra information that you will talk about per bullet should be added below in the “notes” section.
Use the 6x6 rule…no more than 6 bullets per page & 6 words per bullet! Extra information that you will talk about per bullet should be added below in the “notes” section.
Use the 6x6 rule…no more than 6 bullets per page & 6 words per bullet! Extra information that you will talk about per bullet should be added below in the “notes” section.
Use the 6x6 rule…no more than 6 bullets per page & 6 words per bullet! Extra information that you will talk about per bullet should be added below in the “notes” section.
Bibliography Erase the directions in this box when you are done with your project. Each person needs a minimum of 5 sources. The reason for having a bibliography is that if you use someone else’s ideas/work, you need to give them credit for helping you shape your ideas. Please type over words within the () on the next few slides. If you use more than 5 sources, you will need to add more slides to the end of this presentation (I’ve premade 5 for you already).
Source #1 (Website Name) (URL= (Webpage/document title) (Author/s) (Date it was written)
Source #2 (Website Name) (URL= (Webpage/document title) (Author/s) (Date it was written)
Source #3 (Website Name) (URL= (Webpage/document title) (Author/s) (Date it was written)
Source #4 (Website Name) (URL= (Webpage/document title) (Author/s) (Date it was written)
Source #5 (Website Name) (URL= (Webpage/document title) (Author/s) (Date it was written)