Sustaining Innovation through New PMS Arrangements - Workshop Richard Armstrong
Sustaining Innovation through PMS In Workshop to cover New Innovations (Chapter 5) -Specialist PMS -Practice-led Commissioning Plus Questions from Plenary or above Plenary covered Operational Issues (Chapter 2) New Flexibilities (Chapter 3) Quality in PMS (Chapter 4) Financial arrangements (Chapter 6)
Sustaining Innovation through PMS Specialist PMS About primary care services (not a descriptor of people) Tool to help address unmet needs Not usually about GPs nor direct provision of essential primary medical services - different from PMS+
Specialist PMS (continued) Patient registration Examples of Specialist PMS - Sustaining better community care - Widening 1º care provision - Delivering 2º services in 1º care - Delivery of Out-of-Hours services Specialist PMS providers could be: - Existing or new Nurse-led PMS providers - Secondary and/or primary care practitioners - GPs (but only where specialist care provided to patients other than those registered with them) - NHS Trusts
Sustaining Innovation through PMS Practice-led Commissioning Not fund-holding Not just about GPs or General Practice (about clinical teams) WHY? - Empowering & engaging clinicians - Allowing innovation - Providing clear mechanisms for accountability
Sustaining Innovation through PMS Rights - PMS provider - PCTs Down to PCT to determine - scope - range and - form of arrangements Not complete (or single) answer