Intermediate Excel for CPAs November 10, 2000
Your Instructor: w JULIA E. BENSON Assistant Professor
Excel Versions w Excel 97 w Excel 2000
Prerequisite Skills w Creating and opening workbooks w Cell references w Basic data entry and selection w Numeric formatting w Navigation w Saving and printing worksheets
Creating and Retrieving w Financial Workbooks w Financial Worksheets
Cell Addresses w Absolute w Relative w Mixed
Data Entry w Text w Values w Financial formulas point/create formulas w Financial functions
The Power of Recalculation w Allows for what-if financial analysis w Changes in values change formula/function results
Selection and Navigation w Point and click selection w Keyboard navigation w Copying data vs. moving data
Spreadsheet Management w Save Manual AutoSave w Print
Practice Review
Making Spreadsheets More Effective
Project Planning w What is your purpose? w What results do you desire? w Determine data available calculations needed w Design spreadsheet layout data entry
Customizing the Spreadsheet w Row Height/Column Width Use of ######### Menu Click and Drag Formatting AutoFit w Renaming Workbook Sheets
Mathematical/Financial Operators w+w-w/w*w%w^w&w+w-w/w*w%w^w& w = w <> w > w < w >= w <=
Order Of Operations w ( ) w % w ^ w * / w + - w & w = <> > = <=
AutoFill w Fill Handle w Drag-and-drop data/formula entry w Custom Lists
Ranges of Cells w Keyboard Selection w Mouse Selection w Contiguous vs. Random Selection w Clearing w Naming Ranges of Cells
Other Useful Tools w Freezing Frames Keep header row/column fixed in place w Spell Checking Toolbar Menu w Comments Annotating cells Viewing comments
Predefined Functions and the Key w Now( ) w Today( ) Sum( ) and w Average( ) w Count( ) w CountA( ) w Max( ) w Min( ) w Pmt( )
Practice Exercises 1 and 2A
Changing Attributes For Effective Presentations
Font Changes w Typeface w Size w Bold and Italic w Number Formats w Strikethrough w Subscript and Superscript
Aligning Cell Contents w Centering Across Columns w Center and Merge Cells
Inserting and deleting w Rows w Columns
Adding Cell Enhancements w Lines w Borders w Backgrounds w Patterns
Autoformat w Replicate cell formatting w Uses Format Painter tool
Printing Enhancement w Print Preview w Orientations Portrait Landscape w Headers & Footers
Scaling Printouts w Printing on one page
Practice Exercise 2B
Creating Charts & Graphs
The Chart Wizard w Four-step process w Creates chart/graph based on cells you select w Over 30 basic types of chart available Most types have several variations w Chart Toolbar
Graphic Enhancement w The Chart Toolbar w Moving/resizing w Changing chart type w Formatting chart components w Showing/hiding items w Text boxes
Printing Graphs w Allows display of financial information for better understanding/comprehension. w Graphs Only w Graphs With Spreadsheet
Saving Graphs w Saved automatically when worksheet saved
Practice Exercises 2C and 3
Lists w Header row w Column labels w Formatting of headers and columns w Data
Data Forms for Input w Easy way to add/edit/delete records in a list w Header row specifies field names used in form w Navigate fields with tab w Navigate between records with Enter
Sorting Lists w Sort records in list w Based on one or more key fields Primary Secondary Tertiary w Ascending or Descending
Simple Autofiltering w Select records meeting specific criteria Data values Combinations of data values Top 10 All (unfilters) w Records filtered out are hidden, NOT deleted
Practice Exercise 4
Criteria Ranges w Criteria range defines filtering criteria area in worksheet independent of list at least two rows by one column
Advanced Filtering w Uses criteria ranges w May return records in place (hiding filtered records) w Or may copy filtered records to another location
Database Functions w Parallel statistical functions w Operate only on records satisfying established criteria
Practice Exercise 5
Multisheet Workbooks w Moving worksheets w Copying worksheets w Displaying multiple worksheets w Selecting and grouping multiple worksheets
Three-Dimensional Cell References w Add worksheet reference to cell reference w Possible formats: WorksheetName!CR WorksheetName!CR:CR Worksheet1:Worksheet2!CR w Worksheet references are always absolute
Recording New Macros w Determine macro actions ahead of time Write it out and test it before recording! w Create macro and give it a name w May save in Current workbook New workbook Macro workbook
Playback of Macros w Select active cell Determines starting location for relative references w Play back the macro w Results are same as if you had typed/clicked
Editing Macros w Requires editing actual Visual Basic code w May or may not require actual knowledge of Visual Basic
Performing What-If Financial Analysis w Set up original data and formulas w Determine variables to analyze w View results of modifying data on results
Scenarios w Create worksheet versions with different values for selected cells w Shows changing results from different values w Useful for complex analysis and summarizing results
Scenario Manager w Automates scenario creation w Specifies cells to change and values for cells w Invokes summary display on separate worksheet
Practice Exercise 6
The End Thank you for attending!