Thematic Pole 7: Multimodal Accessibility to Primary networks SEE POLE 7 projects results and capitalization for improved accessibility across the region.


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Presentation transcript:

Thematic Pole 7: Multimodal Accessibility to Primary networks SEE POLE 7 projects results and capitalization for improved accessibility across the region


SEETAC (South East European Transport Axis Cooperation) Period: 01/04/ /09/2012 Benchmarks: Supporting planning development for a synergic corridor’s approach among EU and non-EU countries Frist level comprehensive view of traffic (road, maritime and rail) in THE SEE area Main target groups and benefits: EU and national/regional authorities responsible for infrastructural investments National transport administration (to improve technical condition of the links) Port authorities and real estate companies (for last mile infrastructure and terminal development) Transport and logistics companies (to develop services)

SEETAC (South East European Transport Axis Cooperation) Project results: Integrated database Multi modal traffic model (1st level) Financial investment assessment Comprehensive spatial planning Institutional co-operation between EU non-EU Capitalization (beyond the project): Development of a common database for rail road and maritime Common website with joint database Availability of joint materials Joint promotion at national and EU level

ACROSSEE – Accessibility improved at border CROSings for the integration of South East Europe Period: 10/ /2014 Benchmarks: Adoption of a secondary level of transport model Cross border issues Main target groups: Transport and logistics organizations Port operators, ship owners and agents Chambers of commerce and industrial associations; SMEs and large companies; Public administrations responsible for transport infrastructure Ministries and other relevant policy makers in the field of environmental protection and transport

ACROSSEE – Accessibility improved at border CROSings for the integration of South East Europe Project results: Partner agreement on border-crossing issue on the basis of Single window principle for fright customs Integrated transport model Action plan for cross-border points and bottlenecks in SEE area Field survey on selected rail border crossing points Memorandum of understanding; one stop shop guidelines for the use of rail infrastructure in the joint border zone Methodology for the extension of trans-tool to the western Balkans Web-based platform for the information exchange on cross-bored points Improvement of cross-border policies and adoption of soft measures Capitalization: Exploitation an improvement of SEETAC database for secondary level traffic model Common database with SEETAC, ATTAC,ADB project Common availability for the public of the joint database Common database for stakeholders, private and public Common promotion at EU level with ADB on investments on selected corridors ( i.e. Munich conference 4 and 5 June 2013)

ADB Multiplatform - Adriatic-Danube-Black Sea multimodal platform Period: 04/ /2014 Benchmarks: SEE Accessibility and trade development Upgrading Transport Standards Unified models of sustainable mobility management and integrated logistics chains Network of multimodal hubs in the South East European area Main target groups: Port and terminal operators (sea, rail-road, inland waterways) Experts from the fields of transport ; Logistics & transportation business & associations SMEs and large companies;

ADB Multiplatform - Adriatic-Danube-Black Sea multimodal platform Project results: Network of multimodal hubs in the South East European area "ADB Green Transport Agreements" and common training modules Demonstration of viability of four pilot routes crossing SEE region: 1.Black Sea to landlocked countries (Greece to Bulgaria/Romania and "Corridor X"); 2.Northern Adriatic to landlocked countries (Austria/Slovakia/Hungary/Serbia), including the complementary links to E and W markets; 3.Inter Adriatic (Corridor VIII) and connection of regional and local ICT systems; 4.Danube River from Slovakia to the Black Sea. Capitalization: Common database with SEETAC, ATTAC, ACROSSEE project Common availability for the public of the joint database Common database for stakeholders, private and public Common promotion at EU level with ACROSSEE on investments on selected corridors ( i.e. Munich conference 4 and 5 June 2013)

SEE-ITS “Intelligent Transport Systems in South East Europe” Period: 10/ /2014 Benchmarks: Fill in existing gaps in the deployment of ITS in SEE countries Transnational harmonized approaches for ITS based on the adaptation oft he 2014/40/EU ITS Directive Needs for improved mobility through coordinated and transnational management and deployment of innovative solutions Revision of national ITS architectures and roadmaps Main target groups: Governmental Authorities, including relevant decision makers. Road Operators and Managers; Public Transport Organizations and Operators Wider user community, including end-users of ITS, public transport providers, public transport users, private vehicle drivers, fleet operators and city authorities Private stakeholders, including private companies and the Industry related to ITS applications development or implementation Universities-Research organizations

SEE-ITS “Intelligent Transport Systems in South East Europe” Project results: Knowledge base for Intelligent Transport Systems development in the SEE area Pilot implementations of Intelligent Transport Systems in 7 SEE regions Investment plans and framework for interoperable Intelligent Transport Systems deployment in the SEE area Capitalization: Creation of a Cluster for Intelligent Transport Systems in SEE Integration scenarios for Intelligent Transport Systems in the SEE area Smart and sustainable cities

NEWADA/NEWADA duo - Network of Danube Waterway Administrations – data and user orientation Period: 04 / / 2012 (NEWADA); 10/ /2014 (NEWADA duo) Benchmarks: Enhance the cooperation between the waterway authorities in the Danube region Support the waterway management authorities of the Danube riparian states in achieving a common level of service in waterway management along the Danube and its navigable tributaries Focus on efficient and effective waterway infrastructure maintenance as well as customer-oriented services Main target groups: Danube Waterway Administrations Development agencies Ministries of Transport Institutions, decision makers, the navigation industry, the forwarders, the operators Third parties and users - skippers, vessels operators, logistic service providers and all other users

NEWADA/NEWADA duo - Network of Danube Waterway Administrations – data and user orientation Project results: Harmonization of basic data; Common marking plan database Report on common quality of service for water level information; Report about harmonization of water level forecast; Status quo reports on shallow section information Upgrading the ENCs with depth information Production of an „atlas of berth“ Provision of paper charts on national level Services based on ICT Improved WLAN sites and WLAN pilots; Improved FIS Portal ( Pilot: AtoNs (Aids to Navigation) Market research study National stakeholder workshops Harmonised Danube PR Communication toolbox

NEWADA/NEWADA duo - Network of Danube Waterway Administrations – data and user orientation Capitalization: Improvement and harmonisation of Danube waterway infrastructure for enhancing multimodal transport along this European traffic and transport corridor Enhanced waterway related services for supporting commercial and public stakeholders in their day-to-day work Cooperation with: WATERMODE/ EMPIRC: Data/Statistics per mode of transport (here: Inland Waterway Transport - IWT) SEE-ITS: ITS in the Danube region, such as River Information Services (RIS) ADB: Inland Waterway Transport hubs/ports and needs of multimodal transport from the Inland Waterway Transport sector GIFT: Modal shift from road to Inland Waterway Transport. Their lessons learnt? NELI/ HINT: Education and training in the field of Inland Waterway Transport; what needs to be trained with regard to Inland Waterway Transport in the future.

SETA – South East Transport Axis Period: 01/ /2014 Benchmarks: Reduce travel time through short term organizational measures and small scale infrastructural investments Follow an alternative approach in improving existing infrastructure and services in the rail sector between Central Europe and the Adriatic Sea: Introduce a competitive passenger transport service on international level Upgrading of already existing rail infrastructure (with moderate investment costs) and the connection to all other means of transport Provide the stakeholders with the necessary information and in order to start negotiations with international financing institutions Main target groups: Regions and Regional development agencies; Economic stakeholders from the regions along the SETA corridor (especially loading industry) Railway companies; Rail freight services providers (shipping industry, carriers, forwarders, etc) Adriatic Ports of Rijeka, Koper and Monfalcone; dry port operators, intermodal logistic centre operators

SETA – South East Transport Axis Project results: Transtools transport demand model (incl. updated input data) Business plans and demonstrators for passenger railway connection and of new freight transport services (freight/block trains) Bankable papers - collection of all the information which are asked from investment institutions (e.g. EIB) to finance the upgrading of SETA railway network sections Knowledge about the necessary development measures to be supported and brought forward in the years after the project -> SETA Corridor Development Plan Highlight the realisation of competitive rail services (passenger/freight) along the SETA corridor; Capitalization: Harmonization of SETA, SEETAC, ACROSSEE transport demand models (Transtools) Improved passenger/freight railway services (cooperation with ACROSSE, GIFT, ADB) Identification and promotion of alternative financing sources for small scale infrastructure funding Sharing of innovative approach to evaluate the impact of infrastructure investments (financial, economic, environmental and social impact analysis) Bundle forces to bring forward necessary organisational and infrastructural measures to provide competitive rail services

WATERMODE - Transnational Network for the Promotion of the Water-ground Multimodal Transport Period: 04/ /2011 Benchmarks: Promote the coordination between actors dealing with logistics for a better management of the transport policies An efficient implementation of the multimodal logistics cooperation, especially exploiting the ground/water connections Monitoring on the existing multimodal platforms, Coordination of strategies for the promotion of the water/ground multimodality, Definition of common quality standards in transport and logistics services, The implementation of pilot studies for multimodality based on sea and inland waterways as factor of competitiveness and environmental sustainability. Highlight the potentials of the waterways crossing the area, contributing to the full integration of the maritime and river transport in the logistics chain Main target groups: Regional and national Policy makers for multimodal transport in the programme area The managers of ports and multimodal logistics facilities etc.

WATERMODE - Transnational Network for the Promotion of the Water-ground Multimodal Transport Project results: Establish a set of general indicators for measuring and recording the services of the multimodal ground/water logistics platforms. Common strategies for implementing waterborne multimodal solutions, through the coordination of the relevant policymakers and operators Increased attractiveness of the waterways transport, by supporting the implementation of relevant investments for the improvement of the connections between sea-/river-port infrastructures and hinterland areas Tested competitiveness of multimodal waterborne alternatives to road transport To increase the commonality of the training procedures on safety for human resources in ports and multimodal platforms Capitalization: information available about the multimodal platforms of the area; Analyses on safety training procedures; Development plans; Network of multimodal platforms;

DAHAR – Danube Inland Harbour Development Period: 04/ /2014 Benchmarks: Developing the logistical infrastructure of ports and port operation models Establish cooperation with waterway transport enterprises Development and implementation of a strategy for a modern, international waterway transport network in order to strengthen transport connections with road and rail transport Integration of ports of small and medium-sized cities in the development of Danube container and RoRo liner services Enable cross-border compatibility of national systems (River Information Services) Enhance sustainability of transport considering the environmental aspect Main target groups: Public Ports National Company Administrations of Danube River Ports Maritime Danube Ports Administrations Relevant municipalities and cities

DAHAR – Danube Inland Harbour Development Project results: Integrated strategy for functional specialization in the Danube logistic chain; Local Action Plans based on this strategy with concrete feasibility elements; Policy recommendations with mainstreaming guidelines for inland waterway transport (IWT) development for presenting specific investment opportunities and financial and policy frameworks to achieve these. Stakeholders inputs gathered online, in person and through DaHar Support Forums Capitalization: DaHar and NEWADA cooperation (data base and results) SEE-ITS: ITS in the Danube region, such as RORIS -DAHAR, navigation monitoring soft created in collaboration with Romanian naval authority for harmonise information services to support traffic and transport management in inland navigation, including interfaces to other transport modes. ADB: Inland Waterway Transport hubs/ports/logistics chains and identification of multimodal transport needs from the Inland Waterway Transport sector after those State of the Art Study, the 9th IWT labs and the 9th Status Quo for each port from the project. GIFT: Modal shift from road to Inland Waterway Transport related to cargo transport management taking into account the outputs of Dahar project

NELI - Cooperation-Network for Logistics and nautical education focusing on Inland Waterway Transport in the Danube corridor supported by innovative solutions Period: 01/04/2009 – 31/03/2012 Benchmarks: Make an in-depth analysis, provide support and address specific problems related to education in the field of inland waterway transport (discrepancies between national systems, lack of interaction and communication between training institutions, limited number of harmonized initiatives, scarce or lacking eLearning services etc.) Create a cooperation network between partners and stakeholders involved in inland waterway transport Advocate inland waterway transport through promotion actions Main target groups: Waterway Companies Maritime Administrations Naval Authorities and development centers Universities – Research Academic Societies

NELI - Cooperation-Network for Logistics and nautical education focusing on Inland Waterway Transport in the Danube corridor supported by innovative solutions Project results: Promotion of IWT and attraction of labour force by means of Information and Training Centres Cooperation platform (accessible also via Internet) of education and training institutions working in the Inland Waterway sector Transnational harmonisation activities (course, curricula, materials, training staff), providing the basis for further agreements and standards Joint education and training concept on IWT for future large scale implementations and EU programmes Creation of adequate framework conditions for long-term and future cooperation perspectives of involved regions after the project Transnational SEE-wide concept for Inland Waterway Transport eLearning services incl. EU and Non-EU-Member States Harmonisation process between Danube regions and involved Information and Training Centre supporters and future users Capitalization: Cooperation with national and international stakeholders, relevant political institutions and other projects and initiatives

GIFT – Green Intermodal Freight Transport Period: 03/ /2014 Benchmarks: Assessment of the current status in terms of transport strategy, operations and policies of the three selected Corridors Concrete and pragmatic proposal for the improvement of the current transport network and for relevant policies to promote green transport in the selected corridors Develop a series of tools to test their green operation. Assess the impact of the proposed improvements and policies in terms of trip duration, cost, risk, and CO2 emissions Main target groups: Port Authorities, Freight forwarders, Logistics & transportation businesses & associations,Chambers of Commerce and industrial associations, SMEs and Large companies, Railway Associations, Operators of combined transport, Operators of rail or road transport, Operators of intermodal terminals, Operators of inland waterways transport

GIFT – Green Intermodal Freight Transport Project results: Identification of green corridors in the region and promotion of technical innovation. Development of proposals for the establishment of regional authorities (i.e. Corridor Operation Agencies) that will be responsible for the corridors operational activities such as planning, monitoring & execution, customs clearance, marketing, training, as well as the issuing of green certificates. Develop an ICT tool for intermodal trip planning that will support the minimization of environmental impact Capitalization: Cross-fertilization and use of ADB, SEETAC, ATTAC, ACROSSEE, NEWADA, WATERMODE, DaHar project results

HINT – Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through education and information technology Period: 12/ /2014 Benchmarks: Promote the inland navigation as an interesting and promising sector for young people on the onset of their career development Address the need for a closer cooperation between the industry and the educational / training institutions Achieve a harmonised inland navigation education and training that shall ensure a Europe-wide mobility of work force Main target groups: Education and training institutions, Administrations and transport organizations Industry and business partners

HINT – Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through education and information technology Project results: Tackling specific issues so as to mitigate shortage of competent nautical and logistics personnel, increase workforce mobility and extend use of IT&C tools especially designed to meet perpetual demands of the multimodal transport sector. Provision of an interesting, yet enlightening insight into what inland waterway transport and navigation really is by making full use of the four Information and Training Centres established in Austria, Romania, Croatia and Hungary. Provision of further networking possibilities within the DKN between the education system and the labour market, between public and private companies, between relevant river organisations and policy makers Capitalization: Use of NELI project results (such as the Transnational Action Plan drawn up within the previous project NELI)

Conclusions and future joint activities Pole 7 Capitalisation aims to improve the stakeholders’ dialogue and the capacity of influencing the decision making processes for a better accessibility of the region Pole 7 capitalization outcomes: Integrated Pole 7 concept Joint presentations and promotion of projects' results as well as rising awareness on needs and short term intervention of national and regional authorities and decision makers Promotion of ADN self-assessment platform, INeS Danube elearning platform, harmonised standards of training and certification of inland nautical personnel Future joint activities include cross-fertilization events: Final conferences of Pole 7 projects (ACROSSEE, ADB, NEWADA duo, GIFT, HINT) Thematic workshops ACROSSEE 2 nd Workshop at the European Parliament, with a session dedicated to Pole7 projects addressing common issues