Technologická platforma "Interoperabilita železniční infrastruktury" a zaměření její činnosti v dalším období Praha, Jozef Fazik, Chargé de Mission UIC
2SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik
3SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik A global association with almost 200 members around the world 3 81 Members Active 8336 Associate Affiliate
4SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik
5SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik global professional The « New » Creating added value for members by improving railway operations and services
6SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik The World-wide organization for co-operation among Railways Provider Facilitator Organiser Developer Know How, technical and operational expertise Technical solutions Regulations, standards, best practises Forums Platforms Study groups International conferences Congresses Specifications Standards Interfaces Studies Interoperability for international rail corridors Promoting the development of rail transport at world level, in order to meet the challenges of mobility and sustainable development Exchange platforms, Innovation: new ideas, new concepts Project management Support policies of development of key infrastructure projects
7SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik
8SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik
9SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik Combined Traffic Wagon Load Freight Forwarders Information Technology Quality Mgm. Wagon Exchange Freight Ops. TAF TSI Migration Global Freight Activities: Key fields of common work Freight
10SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik
11SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik Measuring GHG emissions and energy consumption with
12SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik
13SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik How are the Standards used ? 13
14SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik Requirements in technical recommendations: fit for third party assessment not duplicating existing TSIs or ENs Directives and TSI European Standards (EN, …) European specifications for Rolling Stock & Infrastructure such as TecRecs and UIC leaflets Operator specific requirements Project specific requirements RST requirements pyramide Careful adaptation of UIC leaflets after TecRec approval are necessary, but thereby respecting the world dimension of UIC leaflets no deletion of double requirements, but making reference to TecRec Challenges in standards and norms
15SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik
16SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik The INNOTRACK cooperation PROCESSES logistics processes (construction, inspection, maintenance) sensor technologies & signal processing soil improvement methods innovative grinding methods improved welding techniques preventive and planned maintenance inspection techniques PRODUCTS new rail steel materials optimised track components (sleepers, resilient elements etc.) innovative switch designs improved driving and locking devices (DLDs) new subgrade treatments new rail steel materials new cost effective track forms METHODOLOGIES classification methods for track and vehicle characteristics defining duty conditions from vehicle track interaction assessment of technical and economical problems Europe-wide accepted LCC and RAMS evaluations Innovation the translation of research and development into added value, reduced LCC and improved RAMS
17SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik Situation „de demain“Situation „historique“
18SAP RAIL FORUM / 20 September 2010 / Praha, , Jozef Fazik