A View of Earth’s Past Chapter 8 & 9
law of superposition the law that a sedimentary rock layer is older than the layers above it and younger than the layers below it if the layers are not disturbed relative age - the age of an object in relation to the ages of other objects Scientists commonly study the layers in sedimentary rocks to determine the relative age of rocks. Sedimentary rocks form when new sediments are deposited on top of old layers of sediment. As the sediments accumulate, they harden into layers called beds. The boundary between two beds is called a bedding plane. One way to learn about Earth’s past is to determine the order in which rock layers and other rock structures formed. Layers of rock, called strata, show the sequence of events that took place in the past. Scientists can determine the order in which rock layers formed by using a few basic principles. Once they know the order, a relative age can be determined for each layer. Relative age indicated that one layer is older or younger than another layer but does not indicate the rock’s age in years.
Law of Superposition Scientist know that sedimentary rock generally forms in horizontal layers. The principle of original horizontality states that sedimentary rocks left undisturbed will remain in horizontal layers. So, scientists can assume that sedimentary rock layers that are not horizontal have been tilted or deformed by crustal movements that happened after the layers formed. In some cases, tectonic forces push older layers on top of younger ones or overturn a group of rock layers. So, scientists must look for clues to the original position of the layers. One clue is the size of particles in the layers. In some environments, the largest particles of sediment are deposited in the bottom layers.
Ripple marks - are small waves that form on the surface of sand because of the action of water or wind. When the sand becomes sandstone, the ripple marks may be preserved. unconformity a break in the geologic record created when rock layers are eroded or when sediment is not deposited for a long period of time In undisturbed sedimentary rock layers, the crests of the ripple marks point upward. Scientists study the orientation of the ripple marks to determine the original position of the layers. Movements of Earth’s crust can lift up rock layers that were buried and expose them to erosion. Then, if sediments are deposited, new rock layers form in place of the eroded layers. The missing layers create a break in the geologic record, called an unconformity.
fault - a break or crack in Earth’s crust along which rocks shift their position intrusion - a mass of igneous rock that forms when magma is injected into rock.
radiometric dating a method of determining the absolutes age of an object by comparing the relative percentages of a radioactive (parent) isotope and a stable (daughter) isotope. half-life - time required for half of a sample of a radioactive isotope to break down by radioactive decay to form a daughter isotope. Organic remains, such as wood, bones, and shells that are less than 70,000 years old can be determined by using a method known as carbon-14 dating, or radiocarbon dating. Rocks generally contain small amounts of radioactive material that can act as natural clocks. Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes. Radioactive isotopes can be used to determine age. Radioactive isotopes have nuclei that emit particles and energy at a constant rate regardless of surrounding conditions. Scientists use the natural breakdown of isotopes to accurately measure the absolute age of rock, which is called radiometric dating. To do this, scientists measure the concentration of the parent isotope or original isotope, and of the newly formed daughter isotopes. Then, using the known decay rate, they can determine the absolute age of the rock. By comparing the amounts of parent and daughter isotopes in a rock sample, scientists can determine the age of the sample. The greater the percentage of daughter isotopes present in the sample, the older the rock is. Uranium-238, or 238U, is an isotope of uranium that has an extremely long half-life, and is most useful for dating geologic samples that are more than 10 million years old. Potassium-40, or 40K, has a half-life of 1.25 billion years, and is used to date rock that are between 50,000 and 4.6 billion years old. Rubidium-87 has a half-life of about 49 billion years, and is used to verify the age of rocks previously dated by using 40K. All living organisms have both the carbon-12 and carbon-14 isotope. To find the age of a sample of organic material, scientists compare the ratio of 14C to 12C and then compare this with the ratio of 14C to 12 C known to exist in a living organism. Once a plant or animal dies, the ratio begins to change, and scientist can determine the age from the difference between the ratios of 14C to 12C in the dead organism.
paleontology - the scientific study of fossils Fossilization methods fossils - the trace or remains of an organism that lived long ago, most commonly preserved in sedimentary rock paleontology - the scientific study of fossils Fossilization methods amber - hardened tree sap Tar seeps Freezing Mummification Petrification Fossils are an important source of information for finding the relative and absolute ages of rocks. Fossils also provide clues to past geologic events, climates, and the evolution of living things over time. Almost all fossils are discovered in sedimentary rock. The fossil record provides information about the geologic history of Earth. Scientists can use this information to learn about how environmental changes have affected living organisms. Only dead organisms that are buried quickly or protected from decay can become fossils. Generally only the hard parts of organisms, such as wood, bones, shells, and teeth, become fossils. In rare cases, an entire organism may be preserved. In some types of fossils, only a replica of the original organism remains. Others merely provide evidence that life once existed. Mummified remains are often found in very dry places, because most bacteria which cause decay cannot survive in these places. Some ancient civilizations mummified their dead by carefully extracting the body’s internal organs and then wrapping the body in carefully prepared strips of cloth. Insects become trapped in the sticky sap and are preserved when the sap hardens. In many cases, delicate features such as legs and antennae have been preserved. In rare cases, DNA has been recovered from amber. Younger rock layers may be dated indirectly by dating organic material found within the rock. Organic remains, such as wood, bones, and shells that are less than 70,000 years old can be determined by using a method known as carbon-14 dating, or radiocarbon dating. All living organisms have both the carbon-12 and carbon-14 isotope. To find the age of a sample of organic material, scientists compare the ratio of 14C to 12C and then compare this with the ratio of 14C to 12 C known to exist in a living organism. Once a plant or animal dies, the ratio begins to change, and scientist can determine the age from the difference between the ratios of 14C to 12C in the dead organism Some ancient civilizations mummified their daed by carefully extracting the body’s internal organs and then wrapping the body in carefully prepared strips of cloth.
Types of fossils: Trace fossils Imprints Molds & Casts Coprolites Gastroliths Index fossils trace fossil a fossilized mark that formed in sedimentary rock by the movement of an animal on or within soft sediment In some cases, no part of the original organism survives in fossil form. But the fossilized evidence of past animal movement can still provide information about prehistoric life. A trace fossils in an important clue to the animal’s appearance and activities. Imprints-Carbonized imprints of leaves, stems, flowers, and fish made in soft mud or clay have been found preserved in sedimentary rock. When original organic material partially decays, it leaves behind a carbon-rich film. An imprint displays the surface features of the organism. Molds and Casts - Shells often leave empty cavities called molds within hardened sediment. When a shell is buried, its remains eventually decay and leave an empty space. When sand or mud fills a mold and hardens, a natural cast forms. A cast is a replica of the original organism. Coprolites - Fossilized dung or waste materials from ancient animals are called coprolites. They can be cut into thin sections and observed through a microscope. The materials identified in these sections reveal the feeding habits of ancient animals, such as dinosaurs. Gastroliths - Some dinosaurs had stones in their digestive systems to help grind their food. In many cases, these stones, which are called gastroliths, survives as fossils. Gastroliths can often be recognized by their smooth, polished surfaces and by their close proximity Index fossils - Index fossil a fossil that is used to establish the age of rock layers because it is distinct, abundant, and widespread and existed for only a short span of geologic time. Paleontologists can use index fossils to determine the relative ages of the rock layers in which the fossils are located. To be an index fossil, a fossil must be present in rocks scattered over a large region, and it must have features that clearly distinguish it from other fossils. In addition, organisms from which the fossil formed must have lived during a short span of geologic time, and the fossil must occur in fairly large numbers within the rock layers. Scientists can use index fossils to estimate absolute ages of specific rock layers. Because organisms that formed index fossils lived during short spans of geologic time, the rock layer in which an index fossil was discovered can be dated accurately. Scientists can also use index fossils to date rock layers in separate area. Index fossils are used to help locate rock layers that are likely to contain oil and natural gas deposits.
Geologic map of bedrock of Ohio
Where would you find fossils of extinct animals on a geologic column? geologic column an ordered arrangement of rock layers that is based on the relative ages of the rocks and in which the oldest rocks are at the bottom Where would you find fossils of extinct animals on a geologic column? Scientists use geologic columns to estimate the age of rock layers that cannot be dated radiometrically Evidence of changing conditions on Earth’s surface is recorded in the rock layers of Earth’s crust. The geologic time scale outlines the development of Earth and of life on Earth. No single area on Earth contained a record of all geologic time, so scientists combined observations to create a standard geologic column. Rock layers in a geologic column are distinguished by the types of rock the layers are made of and by the kinds of fossils the layers contain. Fossils in the upper layers resemble modern plants and animals. Many of the fossils discovered in old layers are from species that have been extinct for millions of years. To determine the layer’s age, scientists compare a given rock layer with a similar layer in a geologic column that contains the same fossils or that has the same relative position. If the two layers match, they likely formed at about the same time.
The geologic history of Earth is marked by major changes in Earth’s surface, climate, and types of organisms. Geologists use these indicators to divide the geologic time scale into smaller units. Rocks grouped within each unit contain similar fossils and each unit is generally characterized by fossils of a dominant life-form.
EonEraPeriodEpochOld PeriodsPhanerozoic Eon 543 mya to PresentCenozoic Era 65 mya to Present NeogeneHoloceneQuaternary 1.8 mya to PresentPleistocenePlioceneTertiary 65 to 1.8 myaMiocenePaleogeneOligoceneEocenePaleoceneMesozoic Era 248 mya to 65 myaCretaceous 144 mya to 65 myaJurassic 206 to 144 myaTriassic 248 to 206 myaPaleozoic Era 543 to 248 myaPermian 290 to 248 myaCarboniferous 354 to 290 myaDevonian 417 to 354 myaSilurian 443 to 417 myaOrdovician 490 to 443 myaCambrian 543 to 490 myaPrecambrian Time 4,500 to 543 myaProterozoic Era 2,500 to 543 myaArchaean 3,800 to 2,500 myaHadean 4,500 to 3,800 mya
eon - largest unit of geologic unit of time 4 Eras of Geologic time: Hadean eon Archean eon Proterozoic eon Phanerozoic eon era - unit of geologic time that includes two or more periods The first three eons are part of a time interval commonly known as Precambrian Time. This 4 billion year interval contains most of Earth’s history After Precambrian time the Phanerozoic eon began. This eon is divided into smaller units of geologic time called eras. The first era of the Phanerozoic eon was the Paleozoic Era, which lasted 292 million years. The Hadean period is represented by the first hour and fifty minutes of the Clock. The nature of the Hadean has generally been believed to be a turbulent time of extreme heat and volatile gravitational collapse. In fact, it got its name from the images we generally hold of Hades, the mythological underground. However, there are scientists that as recently as May, 2005 are presenting new evidence that the earth may have already begun to cool during this time period and that life could have been possible. Stay tuned! Scientists have generally thought that during the Hadean period the solar system was forming out of a spinning cloud of dust and gases called an accretion disk. At the center of the cloud, heavier particles drew together through gravitational force until nuclear fusion set it ablaze in light and heat. This, of course, was the birth of our sun. But the solar particles were not the only particles present in the accretion disk. Other particles were lumping together to form microplanets (similar to modern asteroids), larger planetesimals, and the planets of our solar system. Scientists also believe that the Earth and other planets would have been molten at this stage of development. As the Earth cooled, the heavier molten iron sank into the core, while lighter rock rose to the surface, cooled and became the crust. The oldest known Earth rocks to date are approximately 3.8 billion years old. Meteorites and lunar rocks have been found to be approximately 4.5 billion years old. With the formation of solid rock, Earth’s geological history began. The Archaean period was a time of continent-building and the first stages of early life. In fact, 70% of our continental land masses are formed around cores of rock, or shields, that date from this period. With this said, let’s take a look at the various conditions that may have been in existence during this time period. First, the atmosphere would not have been like it is today. It would have had no oxygen. Instead, it would have been filled with:hydrogen, methane, ammonia. This kind of atmosphere is called a reducing atmosphere. It is just the kind of atmosphere that could support the organic chemistry for first life. In fact, there is fossil evidence of ancient bacteria. One type of bacteria present then were the cyanobacteria or blue-green algaes. These bacteria appear to have had a very strong cell-wall and the ability to form layers in the ancient sediments. The formations are called stromatolites. They can be found in Archaean rock formations of Western Australia. The very oldest rocks of the Archaean are very rare, most likely because they have been changed by the pressure created by many layers or even “recycled” by being pushed so deep as to be returned to a molten state. But the younger rocks can still be found in South Africa, Western Australia, Canada and India. These rock shields give us clues to the formation of our continents. The forming of the continents during the Archaean probably began as lava flow under the ancient oceans. The youngest of the Archaean rock layers look like giant pillows of lava and resemble underwater lava flows from modern times. Based on this resemblance, it seems likely that most of the continents were covered by water during the Archaean time, roughly 3 billion to 2.5 billion years ago. One can look at the Hawaiian Islands, yet underwater, to get a glimpse of modern pillow lavas. While the Cambrian Period with its explosion of life generally marks the beginning of the Paleozoic Era and life on our planet, there are many indications that the preparation for life and the earliest forms of it all got going during the Archaean Period. Before life forms could evolve, there had to have been chemical transformations to set the stage. The now-famous experiment performed by Miller and Urey in 1953 showed how an atmosphere of: methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen. (a reducing atmosphere) exposed to heat and electrical charges would have produced organic molecules such as amino acids and simple sugars. Even though this experiment has been questioned and refuted, many modern biochemists agree that such simultaneous events could have been the impetus behind our first life on Earth. Amino acids would have gradually come together into increasingly more complex molecules. The earliest life forms were anaerobic, forms that did not use oxygen to exist. In our modern world, anaerobic organisms are those that work in the process of fermentation. These organisms lived on consumable organic matter or on other anerobic life forms. Thus they were heterotrophs, like modern fungi, that feast on organic material. The ancient heterotrophs, like fungi, were dependent on the presence of organic materials and would have eventually perished once the organic material had all been consumed. But autotrophs appeared, saving the day! These new organisms fed on the pure energy source of the sun. They were the predecessors of our modern blue-green algae and were the cyanobacteria that formed the stromatolites. The Proterozoic Era would have been an exciting time to be an observer of life development on planet Earth. The fiery formation processes of the Hadean and the undersea continent-building of the Archaen, now were replaced by the process of tectonics. The plates rested on a very different magma than our modern-day plates. The plates themselves were younger and thinner (funny how that works!!!) and the magma was hotter. This would have made the magma more liquid than today, so likely the continental movement would have been faster, with collisions and fractures more frequent. A single super-continent formed. Today it is called Rodinia. At the center of Rodinia is a baby North America called Laurentia. Its western border lies next to the infants that would grow into Australia and Antarctica , while the eastern coast is next to western Africa. The early life that formed in the Archaean, especially the autotrophs: cyanobacteria and early plants, developed into a new type of cell as a consequence of the oxygen-rich atmosphere they had created. This cell was the eukaryote, a cell that contains a nucleus. With the onset of the eukaryote, living organisms were able to join together into groups of eukaryotic cells. Toward the end of the Proterozoic, multi-cellular algae and the first multi-celled animals were the result.
Paleozoic rocks contain fossils of a wide variety of marine and terrestrial life forms. After the Paleozoic Era the Mesozoic Era began and lasted about 183 million years. Mesozoic fossils include early forms of birds and reptiles. The present era is the Cenozoic Era, which began 65 million years ago. Fossils of mammals are common in Cenozoic
period - a unit of geologic time that is longer than an epoch but shorter than an era Epoch - a subdivision of geologic time that is longer than an age but shorter than a period. evolution - an inheritable change in the characteristics within a population from one generation to the next; the development of new types of organisms from preexisting types of organisms over time Eras are divided into shorter time units called periods. Each period is characterized by specific fossils and is usually named for the location in which the fossils were first discovered. Where the rock record is most complete and least deformed, a detailed fossil record may allow scientists to divide period into shorter time units called epochs. Scientists think that evolution occurs by means of natural selection. Evidence for evolution included the similarity in skeletal structures of animals. Major geologic and climatic changes can affect the ability of some organisms to survive. By using geologic evidence, scientists try to determine how environmental changes affected organisms in the past. Epochs may be divided into smaller units of time called ages. Ages are defined by the occurrence of distinct fossils in the fossil record.
Precambrian time the interval of time in the geologic time scale from Earth’s formation to the beginning of the Paleozoic era, from 4.6 billion to 542 million years ago. The time interval that began with the formation of Earth and ended about 542 million years ago is known as Precambrian time, which makes up 88% of Earth’s history. The Precambrian rock record is difficult to interpret, therefore we do not know much about what happened during that time. Most Precambrian rocks have been so severely deformed and altered by tectonic activity that the original order of rock layers is rarely identifiable. Large areas of exposed Precambrian rocks, called shields, exist on every continent. Nearly half of the valuable mineral deposits in the world occur in the rocks of Precambrian shields. These valuable minerals include nickel, iron, gold, and copper.
stromatolites - one of the few Precambrian fossils that have been discovered are. The presence of stromatolite fossils in Precambrian rocks indicates that shallow seas covered much of Earth during that time. Paleozoic Era - the geologic era that followed Precambrian time and that lasted from 542 million to 251 million years ago. Paleozoic rocks hold an abundant fossil record. The number of plant and animal species on Earth increased dramatically at the beginning of the Paleozoic Era. Because of this rich fossil record, the Paleozoic Era has been divided into seven periods. Fossils are rare in Precambrian rocks mostly because Precambrian life-forms lacked bones, or other hard parts that commonly form fossils.
The Cambrian Period is the first period of the Paleozoic Era. Marine invertebrates thrived in the warm waters that existed during this time. The most common of the Cambrian invertebrates were trilobites. The second most common animals of the Cambrian Period were the brachiopods, a group of shelled animals. The Ordovician Period clamlike brachiopods and cephalopod mollusks became the dominant invertebrate life-form. first vertebrates appeared. Scientists use many trilobites as index fossils to date rocks to the Cambrian Period Fossils indicated that at least 15 different families of brachiopods existed during this period. Other common Cambrian invertebrates include worms, jellyfish, snails, and sponges. Ordivician Period During this period, populations of trilobites began to shrink The most primitive vertebrates were fish, which did not have jaws or teeth and were covered with thick, bony plates
The Devonian Period - the Age of Fishes The Silurian Period During the Silurian Period, echinoderms, relatives of modern sea stars, and corals became more common. Near the end of this period, the earliest land plants as well as animals evolved The Devonian Period - the Age of Fishes fossils of many bony fishes were discovered in rocks of this period. lungfish, had the ability to breathe air. Another type of fish, Rhipidistians, were air-breathing fish that had strong fins that may have allowed them to crawl onto the land for short periods of time. Land plants, such as giant horsetails, ferns, and cone-bearing plants also began to develop during Scorpion-like sea creatures called eurypterids also existed during this period.
The Carboniferous Period In North America, the Carbiniferous Period is divided into the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods. the climate was warm, forests and swamps covered most of the world. Amphibians and fish continued to flourish, and the first vertebrates that were adapted to live on land appeared.
The Permian Period - marks the end of the Paleozoic Era, a mass extinction of several life-forms occurred at the end of this period. the continents had joined to form Pangaea mass extinction - large numbers of species become extinct Mesozoic Era the geologic era that lasted from 251 million to 65.5 million years ago; the Age of Reptiles. Earth’s surface changed dramatically during the Mesozoic Era. Pangaea broke into smaller continents, and the climate was warm and humid. Lizards, turtles, snakes and dinosaurs flourished during this era. The seas retreated. When Pangea was formed. As the seas retreated, several species of marine life became extinct. But, reptiles and amphibians survived the environmental changes.
3 periods of the Mesozoic Era : Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Periods. The Triassic period marked the appearance of dinosaurs. Most dinosaurs were about 4 m to 5 m long and moved very quickly. The Jurassic Period Two major groups of dinosaurs evolved during the Jurassic Period: the saurischians, or “lizard-hipped” dinosaurs, and the ornithischians, or “bird-hipped” dinosaurs. Brontosauruses, now called Apatosauruses were saurischians. Stegosauruses and Pterosaurs were ornithischians. Reptiles called ichthyosaurs lived in the oceans. The ammonite, a marine invertebrate, was dominant, and serves as a Mesozoic index fossil.
The Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction The Cretaceous Period Among the common Cretaceous dinosaurs were the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the ankylosaurs, the ceratopsians, and the hadrosaurs. The Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction The Cretaceous Period ended in another mass extinction. No dinosaur fossils have been found in rocks that formed after the Cretaceous Period. Many scientists accept the impact hypothesis as the explanation for the extinction of the dinosaurs. This hypothesis is that about 65 million years ago, a giant meteorite crashed into Earth. The earliest flowering plants, or angiosperms, appeared during this period. The most common of these plants were magnolias and willows. Later, trees such as maples, oaks, and walnuts became abundant. The impact of the collision raised enough dust to block the sun’s rays for many years, resulting in a colder climate that caused plant life to die and many animal species to become extinct.
Cenozoic Era - current geologic era, which began 65 Cenozoic Era - current geologic era, which began 65.5 million years ago; the Age of Mammals dramatic changes in climate have occurred. As temperatures decreased during the ice ages, new species that were adapted to life in cooler climates appeared. Mammals became the dominant life-form and underwent many changes. The Cenozoic Era is divided into two periods: the Tertiary Period and the Quaternary Period.
Fossil evidence for Gondwanaland