Key areas to be covered What is a personal development portfolio Exploring the advantages of a personal development portfolio The elements of profiling:Reviewing, reflecting and recording Reflecting on and valuing learning from experience Learning outcomes & objective setting: matching and designing Using your personal development portfolio to support performance appraisal, personal development planning, objective setting and planning career and professional development Relevance to the delivery of health and social care and the modernisation agenda Exploring the links with national and local strategies and frameworks Overview of the workshop: This one-day workshop will be practical and relevant. The workshop will explore a model for personal development planning which involves the division of personal development planning from the individual performance review. The workshop will be supported by a portfolio resource pack, which can be used to support personal development planning. The workshop facilitator: The programme has been designed by Gail Jones, Senior Consultant, Salomons Centre for Leadership and Management Development, part of Canterbury Christ Church University College. Gail has extensive experience in staff development, clinical practice and operational management within the NHS, the voluntary sector and in Primary Care settings Aim of the workshop: To equip participants with the skills, knowledge and resources to undertake the personal development planning process and capture evidence of their personal, professional and organisational development development in a meaningful and useful way, supported by the use of a personal development portfolio. Objectives of the workshop: To provide participants with the opportunity to: Understand the benefits of keeping a personal development portfolio and how to get the most out of it Begin to create their own personal development portfolio by reviewing, reflecting on and recording their experiences and achievements to date Identify their personal strengths, development needs and motivators Gain an awareness of current NHS developments and thinking relating to personal development Identify personal goals and establish an action plan Developing knowledge and skills in a safe yet challenging environment
A Fresh Approach to Personal Development Planning A one-day workshop for PCTs in the East Midlands Programme details Date: Wednesday 7 th May 2003 Venue: Burleigh Court International Conference Centre, Loughborough University (1 mile from Junction 23 of the M1) Times: Registration & coffee to Workshop close Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Who should apply? This workshop is open to applicants of all disciplines from PCTs within the East Midlands Region How do I apply? Phone or e mail workshop administrator: Julie Reeves: Phone e mail Providing your name, contact address, telephone number and/or e mail address and your job title and employing organisation details. Further information For informal enquiries or further information about the workshop please contact the workshop facilitator Gail Jones e mail Once we have received your application we will confirm your acceptance and send you registration details. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis Further information about the work of Salomons can be found on our web site Salomons Salomons is part of Canterbury Christ Church University College