IWONA BARTKOWIAK-BRODA Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku (KZPR) Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers (PAORP) Oilseed rape production in Poland
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku (KZPR) Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers (PAORP) Rapeseed production is concentrated in relatively big farms with access to the complex technology and ability to gain large amount of uniform commercial material. On average over 70% of the whole winter rapeseed acreage and almost 85% of summer rapeseed are situated in farms of minimum 50 ha of arable land; about 95% of acreage with winter and summer forms of rapeseed is located in farms larger than 10 ha. In the whole country rapeseed is grown in 40–45 thousand of farms, that is 2,0–2,2% of total number of farms. The progress in concentration of this crop is observed, because this value was two times higher 25 years ago.
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku (KZPR) Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers (PAORP) Foundation: PAORP emerged in the wake of protests during the purchase of rapeseed in 1999 when oil companies drastically decreased purchase prices despite notations in contracts with farmers. PAORP members expressed the necessity of defence and the need to represent interests of their business. In the individual districts members of district authorities were chosen and the delegates for General Assembly held on July 3rd 1999 were elected. During the Assembly the authorities for two year term were elected. In July 2002 Mrs. Ewa Mysliwiec was appointed the Director of the Bureau. The Association is based in Warsaw.
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku (KZPR) Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers (PAORP) Organization: The basic unit of PAORP is Okręgowy Związek Producentów Rzepaku (OZPR) — District Association of Rapeseed Producers (DAROP). The division into districts is based on the administrative organization of the country. OZPR Gdańsk (pomorskie province) OZPR Szczecin (zachodniopomorskie province) OZPR Brzeg (opolskie and dolnośląskie provinces) OZPR Kruszwica (kujawsko-pomorskie province and warmińsko-mazurskie province) OZPR Bielsko-Biala (malopolskie,śląskie, świętokrzyskie provinces) OZPR wielkopolsko-lubuskie (wielkopolskie and lubuskie provinces) OZPR lubelsko-mazowiecko-podkarpackie (mazowieckie and podkarpackie provinces). The members of the District Association are those rapeseed producers who declared membership (filled out a membership form) and pay membership fee.
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku (KZPR) Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers (PAORP) lubelsko-mazowieckie Szczecin Brzeg Kruszwica Bielsko-Biała Gdańsk wielkopolsko-lubuskie
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku (KZPR) Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers (PAORP) Membership fee of Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers: 2 zl per ton of harvested seed yield. The membership fee is voluntary, therefore difficult to execute and consequently the financial situation of the association is not good.
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku (KZPR) Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers (PAORP) judgement of legal acts (i.e. biofuel law); farmers’ training; negotiations of records of sale contract agreements; publications, i.e. Nasz Rzepak (Our Rapeseed Bulletin) issued tree times a year; organizing exchanges, i.e.with Agropol; cooperation with a similar organization in the Czech Republic; cooperation with scientific centres in Poland, such as IHAR – Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, COBORU – the Centre of Investigations of Crop Plants; PAORP and Sofiproteol from France set up Ltd. company Biodiesel Silesia, which produces biodiesel; others. Activities:
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku (KZPR) Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers (PAORP) common membership of rapeseed producers; guarantee profitability of rapeseed production; stabilization of rapeseed industry, i.e. foundation of Polish Rapeseed Council and partnership cooperation with all its participants; self-sufficiency in production of plant protein and vegetable oil in Poland and UE through the increase of rapeseed production and the use of surplass of oil for non-edible purposes – biofuel; economic participation of farmers in rapeseed processing plants. Strategies:
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku (KZPR) Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers (PAORP) The aims of PAORP are attempted through: cooperation with agricultural chambers, scientific institutions, agricultural centres, representatives of firms producing commodities and raw materials for agricultural needs; cooperation in organization of seminars, presentations and trainings for members of the association; cooperation with organizations of farmers’ Trade Unions in respect to the defense of farmers’ interests; the association may employ staff for social, professional and specialized activities; the association may be a member of other agricultural, social, economic, Polish or foreign organization; the association may be a shareholder in companies of trade law; the association participates in preparation of rules of law regulating contracts for the supply of agricultural products, purchase prices, and conditions of raw material receipt.
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku (KZPR) Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers (PAORP) Biuro Krajowego Zrzeszenia Producentów Rzepaku Bureau of Polish Association of Rapeseed Producers Address: ul. Wspólna 30 pok. nr Warszawa tel tel/fax internet: Membership fee: