1 New GMS Implications for PCTs Dr Steve Feast Clinical lead NatPaCT
2 An opportunity to change the patient experience How can we make this work for us? How can we make this work for practices? How do we reward change and innovation? How does it build upon what we already have?
3 What are the basics? Do we know what our practices currently provide – annual delivery plans, PCIPs ? Do we know what they aspire to provide ? What premises plans do you have ? What have we learnt from PMS ? Who are the OOHs leaders ? Does our LDP include new GMS opportunities ?
4 What cultural changes do we need to make? PCT structures – shape - empowerment PCT culture – incentives and rewards Practices not just GPs Risk taking not bean counting Devolve trust and responsibility Annual single accountability agreements Flexible incentives, achievable rewards
5 First steps Communication strategy - every practice Includes staff and stakeholders esp. patients Champions and leaders - inside and out Relationship with LMCs Practice manager skills, networks, Learning sets Internal capacity – interim skills - share skills Who are the change agents ? What do PMS practices aspire to ?
6 First Steps – project management team Mapping exercise – services/IT/staff What current structures can you adapt ? Clinical Governance/Prescribing teams Access teams Emergency Care Networks etc. Locality structures and leaders What additional services are congruent with LDP ? Is there anything unique to your PCT ? See things as a whole
7 Additional resources in house Estates strategy IT strategy Public Health resource PEC Commissioning team - local and enhanced services PMS leads
8 Immediate (intelligent) phased implementation Development of infrastructure Including legislative changes Development of financial systems PCO capacity Year 1 transitional – April 2004 full DOH Communication plan Much more guidance coming re planning, roles, responsibilities and tasks Can you help us now ?