Practice Led Commissioning A Timetable for Action Wendy Evans NHS Alliance Practice Manager Lead
What Do we all Need to Do Now? Preparing for the off
Key Questions for Practices and PCTS Why do we want to do this? What do we want to achieve? How do we best achieve that? Are our agendas aligned? When are we going to start? Who is going to lead this? Do we need to talk to secondary care?
Practices Discuss this in practice teams Assess enthusiasm or lack of! Swot analysis If at all keen request indicative budget from PCT to keep options open Discuss with local practices-? A locality option Assess your PCT for readiness/ eagerness
Practices What do you want to achieve by this? Have you realistically got the energy and capacity? What help do you need to make it work? How much of the budget do you want to manage? When do you want to start? Does your community team want to join in?
In House Procedures Good data capture (PCT may fund as LES) System to verify acute trust procedures Risk assessment-over/under budget Identify inter-partner variations Practice meetings to discuss clinical behaviour-sensitive but vital Areas where referrals/spend high Get everyone on board Agree target areas for making a difference
Work up the Application Request budget from PCT from 01/04/2005 Invite PCT to meet with you/colleagues Agree timetable with them Define a practice lead (GP and PM) Start agreeing the scope of budget Check position against capitation Start monitoring referrals Scope what you could/would like to provide Consult LMC/NHSA/SHA if PCT unresponsive