Workforce change in long term conditions Aims of this event Brief project managers on context Scope the skills gaps Discuss workforce planning tools that may be used in implementing the project
Workforce change in long term conditions National context Govt has achieved initial goals in modernising NHS Recognition of growth in long term conditions and importance of broader public health agenda Choice and personalised care
Workforce change in long term conditions Supporting people with long term conditions – goals To develop a systematic approach to the care and management of people with a long term condition To shift care into primary settings To improve the quality of care – the most intensive care in the least intensive setting
Workforce change in long term conditions Supporting people with long term conditions - model Major thrust of Government policy Announced in NHS Improvement Plan NSF NHS and social care long term conditions model
Workforce change in long term conditions Supporting people with long term conditions - targets Reduce emergency bed days by 5% by 2008 Increase the number of older people to live at home by 1% a year in 2007 and 2008 Appoint 3,000 Community Matrons by March 2007
Workforce change in long term conditions Supporting people with long term conditions - enablers NPfIT NGMS and other new contracts Practice Based Commissioning Expert Patient Programme Payment by Results Health Act Flexibilities Agenda for Change
Workforce change in long term conditions Supporting people with long term conditions – delivery (1) Identify people with LTCs and stratify (the Kaiser pyramid) Focus on very high intensive users through a case management approach Appoint community matrons to spearhead this approach Develop a system to identify likely very high users Establish multi-professional teams with support of specialist advice Develop comprehensive self care initiatives Build on existing tools and techniques
Workforce change in long term conditions Supporting people with long term conditions – delivery (2) Network of services in health, social care and the independent sector Case managers – community matrons People with LTCs
Workforce change in long term conditions Supporting people with long term conditions – workforce (1) Community matrons – authority to secure services, competencies etc Other practitioners in the network eg community pharmacists, PwSIs, physios Not just roles and responsibilities Integrating services and breaking down boundaries Shift in culture esp. around enabling and empowering self care and self management Skills in engaging and empowering communities esp. disadvantaged ones (ECLN) New enhanced roles in case management and across the network of care providers
Workforce change in long term conditions Supporting people with long term conditions – workforce (2) Good examples of changing workforce Lots of tools for changing the workforce Real scope for local initiative and innovation
Conclusion Supporting people with long term conditions represents a major shift in approach It is at the heart of Government thinking and approach To succeed it is much, much more than introducing community matrons This is a real opportunity to improve services, achieve major organisational change and change the workforce to meet the needs of the people we serve